GroupShare integration setup

GroupShare integration setup

GroupShare configuration

No changes are required in GroupShare. However, it is necessary to run GroupShare at least once while being logged in as the user entered in the Agent configuration before the integration with the XTRF Platform can be used.

XTRF Agent for Trados Studio

GroupShare is designed to work with Trados Studio. The integration with the XTRF Platform uses the same XTRF Agent as integration with Trados Studio. If you need to install the XTRF Agent, please see the: Trados Studio integration setup - XTRF Agent for Trados Studio configuration article.

External System configuration in the Home Portal

Perform the following steps to add the integration with GroupShare on the XTRF Platform:

  1. Sign in to the Home Portal of the XTRF Platform.

  2. Go to the Configuration menu > Integration > CAT Tools.

  3. Click the Add button on top of the CAT Tools table. You will be directed to the Add CAT Tool page.

  4. From the Type drop-down menu, select the SDL GroupShare option.

  5. In the Name field, provide the name for the new integration.

  6. Click the Save button. You are redirected to the next step of configuration.

  7. Paste the URL to the GroupShare environment in the Webservice URL field.

  8. Provide your user credentials in the User ID and Password fields. You need to provide the credentials used while logging into the GroupShare environment.

  9. From the Parent External System drop-down menu, select the desired Trados version.
    Note: The GroupShare integration requires Trados Studio, respectively.

  10. In the GroupShare root organization field, provide the name of your root organization in GroupShare.

  11. In the GroupShare TM Container field, provide the name of the container for your translation memories in GroupShare.

  12. Click the Save button. You have added integration GroupShare with the XTRF Platform.


Workflow Configuration

To automate the integration, you should establish special workflows which manage the communication between the XTRF Platform and GroupShare. You can create as many workflows as you wish. For information on creating the workflow definition in the Home Portal of the XTRF Platform, please refer to the Create a Task Workflow Definition article.

The following section describes how to configure the task workflow to be used with the GroupShare integration.

Workflow Graph Tab

In the Workflow Graph tab, you can configure the number and type of the steps included in the workflow. To ensure that the following workflow can be used with the GroupShare, it should contain the jobs listed below in the following order:







External Project Preparation : set the Default Provider as Automated Activity Action: External Project Preparation .

The proper jobs you wish to be performed in this workflow, for example Translation or Proofreading

External Project Finalization: set the Default Provider as Automated Activity Action: External Project Finalization .


For information regarding adding or removing the workflow steps, please refer to the Create a Task Workflow Definition article.


Package Preparation in the GroupShare Integration

You might want to have the package preparation step in the workflow definition. Having the package preparation step in this workflow makes it work like a regular project workflow for the Trados Studio integration. If you want to include the package preparation step into the workflow, please follow instructions from the Workflow Graph Tab section in the Trados Studio integration setup - Workflow Configuration article.

CAT Tools Tab

In the CAT Tools tab, configure the settings regarding the GroupShare integration. To do so, follow the steps:

  1. From the CAT Tool drop-down menu, select the name of the integration with the GroupShare.

  2.  From the Project Template drop-down menu, select the template that should be used while creating the project in the external system.

  3. If you do not want to use any project template at the project creation, select the None option.

  4.  (Optional) Select the Start Workflow after Completing CAT Receivable Using External System if you want to create the CAT receivable automatically at the project creation step.

  5.  (Optional) Select the Download Preview Files after Each External Job checkbox if you require that the Home Portal automatically downloads the preview files after each step of the external process is completed.

  6.  Click the Save button. You have just configured the settings of the GroupShare integration.

Job Mapping subtab

While working with CAT tools, you need to be sure that both environments are on the same page regarding what should be done in a particular job. In the Job Mapping subtab, you need to match the job types from the Home Portal with the corresponding job types in the external system. For each job type included in the workflow, select from the drop-down menu what workflow step which should be executed in GroupShare.
There are two workflow steps available in GroupShare:

  • Translate

  • Review

 Job mapping is necessary to be performed for GroupdShare to include the correct settings in the SDLPPX package.

Project Creation subtab

In the Project Creation subtab, you select what action should be taken while creating the project in the external system. Perform the following steps to configure the actions:

  1. (Optional) Select the Create CAT Receivable checkbox if the receivable based on the CAT analysis should be created alongside with the project.

  2.  (Optional) Select the Create CAT Payable checkbox if the payable based on the CAT analysis should be created alongside with the project.

  3.  In the Task sequence multi-selection field, add the task(s) which should be included. Double-click on a task in the Available Items list in order to add it to the Selected Items list.  For example, Analyse Files, Convert to Transformable Format, Copy to Target Languages, and Scan are selected.

  4.  Click the Save button. You have configured the actions triggered within the project.

 In the sections below, you can configure several other options to decide how GroupShare should prepare the project.

Machine Translation subtab

In the Machine Translation subtab, you can select if you want to use a machine translation engine in this workflow. Select one of the available options:

  • Do not use radio button: No machine translation is used for this workflow.

  • SDL BeGlobal Community radio button: This machine translation engine is used for this workflow.

  • SDL Automated Translation - this machine translation engine is used for this workflow.

Additional Settings

Additional settings are required for this option:

  • Dictionary Sequence: Provide the sequence for the dictionary sequence for SDL Automated Translation.

  • Dictionary Project: Provide the project for the dictionary sequence for SDL Automated Translation.

  • Google Translate - this machine translation engine is used for this workflow.

Click the Save button when you have selected the desired option.

Bundles Tab

In the workflow definition, you can create as many bundles as you require. Assignment of bundles to a given job can be configured in the Workflow Graph tab. To make reference files available for the vendors, place them in a separate bundle, and do not assign that bundle to the Project Creation and Project Finalization actions. The bundle should only be assigned within the read-only rights to the jobs performed by the vendors.