Trados Studio integration overview
XTRF offers integration with client versions of Trados Studio, using a dedicated XTRF Agent for Trados Studio (Agen) application.
Pre-installation requirements
Before the integration can be enabled, you need to provide a server (it may be a dedicated server, VPS, or a cloud VM) with Windows, where the Trados Professional license is installed.
The integration requires the connector agent (provided by XTRF) to be installed on the server where Trados Studio is installed. Your IT team or our support can do this.
If you prefer that we set it up, we will need the following:
Access to the server where the Trados Studio you would like to link XTRF to is installed. We can connect via Teamviewer or RDP - let us know which would be more convenient.
The Agent uses port 8081 by default, so opening this port on any firewall is mandatory. The server where Trados is installed must also accept incoming connections from the server where XTRF is installed.
To install the Agent, we will need an account with admin-level rights. Trados Studio must already be installed, and your team must provide a standalone desktop (not floating) license.
The integration creates default folders for Trados projects and resources. Typically, these are located in
Mapped network drives are supported in some cases (may depend on a particular setup) but are not recommended. Dropbox and other cloud locations are not supported.It is recommended that you have at least one dedicated license for the integration and a separate one to work with; this will prevent you from having performance issues.
If you want to perform the installation yourself, you can find a general description of the necessary setup in the Trados Studio integration setup article.
Once the Agent is installed, we will connect XTRF to it and create the necessary workflows.
XTRF Platform version | XTRF Agent version | Trados Studio version |
10.1+ |
| 2022 |
XTRF Software
Both XTRF SaaS and on-premises installation may be used.
The Trados Studio integration works as all the other CAT-tool integrations. There is no need to manually manage file-based resources in XTRF (TMs, dictionaries) as this functionality is completely moved to the server where Trados Studio is installed.
Legal Notice
XTRF will oblige its clients to possess the number of licenses of any software integrated with XTRF in the amount and versions conforming to the technology partner licensing rules.
Integration architecture
The current XTRF Platform - Trados Studio integration simplifies the overall integration architecture.
Trados Studio
An instance of Trados Studio is installed on a client's dedicated machine. The machine may be installed at the client's location or hosted virtually everywhere as long as it is accessible via HTTPS. The client must provide all the required licenses, including MS Windows and (multiple) Trados Studio licenses. Only one Trados Studio copy is installed on the machine, requiring only one Trados Studio license to run. To benefit from concurrent processing, clients are obligated to buy multiple licenses. The number of concurrent Trados processes is limited by the number of licenses owned by the client.
Trados provides API for:
project creation
translation package creation
translation package import
project finalization (TM updates, file conversion back to original formats)
According to the API documentation, running multiple concurrent processes using API is possible.