TMX Format for Source Files & Multilingual TMX Target Files
In XTM Cloud, projects containing source files in TMX format can be created, provided that the appropriate configuration has been performed on the back-end side. In that case, XTM Cloud extracts text in the source language from a TMX file, and sends it for translation, ignoring target language texts. Once the translation has been completed in XTM Workbench, the user is able to generate a multilingual TMX target file in the Project Editor Files tab screen. This multilingual TMX target file will contain unchanged source texts, in the source language, and also all translations to all target languages, from the entire project.
To enable multilingual TMX target files to be generated, the appropriate configuration on the back-end side of your XTM Cloud instance needs to be implemented by the XTM Support team. For this purpose, do not hesitate to create a JSM ticket containing the request.
Sample scenario
In XTM Cloud, create a project with a source file in any file format of your choosing, except TMX format. For this example, see the sample TXT file which is attached below. Select English (UK) as the source language and Polish as the target language. Select the simplest workflow possible: Translate.
Assign the linguist to the workflow step, enter XTM Workbench, and translate the segments. Finish the project.
In Project Editor → Files, generate and download a TMX file from the TMX column:
To obtain your new source file in TMX format, extract the content of the ZIP file. For your convenience, it is attached below:
Create a second project in XTM Cloud, with this TMX file. Select English (UK) as the source language. This time, select Polish and German (Germany) as the two target languages. Again, select the simplest workflow possible: Translate.
Assign the Linguists to target languages/workflow steps. You will notice that the segments in the Polish target language have already been populated with the existing TM matches from the first project.
In the Polish target language, change the translation for just a few segments and finish the step.
In the German (Germany) target language, translate all the segments and finish the step.
In Project Editor → Files, make sure to select “All languages” view.
In All files view, in the Target column, generate and download a multi target file.
To obtain your multi target file in TMX format, extract the content of the ZIP file. For your convenience, it is attached below:
This single TMX file contains the following:
Source text,
Translation from all target languages, taken from XTM Workbench and inserted into correct
<tuv xml:lang="...">
elements:If a particular
element previously existed in the source file, its content should be overwritten with a new/updated translation.Otherwise, the
element should be created and then filled with a translation from XTM Workbench. Thetuv
elements for other target languages should remain untouched.
Result: You have successfully translated a TMX source file and obtained a single multilingual TMX target file.