XTM Cloud 13.2

Date: October 24, 2022


  • The filter templates user interface has been redesigned to provide enhanced user experience in line with customer's feedback.

  • The Help and information menu now includes a new XTM Academy section featuring the brand-new Getting Started guides and Automated self-guided training.

  • The system setting to add or update language codes in file names has been extended to cover either target files and Excel offline editor files.

  • The country name "Turkey" has been changed to the new international name "Türkiye" on all occurrences of the XTM Cloud product UI.

  • XTM Cloud now supports Mam, Valencian, Aranese, Hindi (Simplified) and Buli (Ghana).

Project Management

  • XTM Cloud Project managers will now benefit from an enhanced user experience when reactivating or archiving projects on the UI.

  • Project managers can now use the Manage projects option to assign linguists to multiple projects also when the workflow includes pre-processing.

Translation QA

  • It is now possible to create language-specific QA profiles for Dutch.

  • QA checks have been enhanced for Chinese and Arabic.

File processing

  • XTM can now process AsciiDoc source files.

  • XTM Cloud now supports HTML files with embedded AMP scripts.

Machine Translation

  • XTM Cloud now features advanced Intento configuration options for Administrators.

  • SDL BeGlobal MT has been renamed to Language Weaver in line with the provider's rebranding.

  • Iconic MT has been removed from the list of integrated MT engines as it now belongs to the RWS Language Weaver portfolio.

  • Amplexor MT has been renamed to Acolad MT in line with the provider's rebranding.

Terminology Management

  • Terms containing hyphens are now decorated more consistently in XTM Workbench.


  • It is now possible to define a subject matter when creating one or multiple projects via REST API.

  • When creating projects via REST API, it is now possible to specify a project manager through the projectManagerId parameter.

  • There is a new REST API method to update the target language of a specific source file using the file name as a parameter.

  • The REST API method to obtains statistics based on specific criteria has been enhanced to now include user ID, user name and user type in the response.

  • The taskManageType parameter in the /projects/{projectId}/links/editor is no longer "DISABLED" by Default but references the global configuration of the respective XTM Cloud instance (Settings > Translation > Workflow and access > Linguist workflow options > Finish or reject tasks in XTM Workbench)

XTM Connect

  • With XTM Connect it is now possible to track and monitor callbacks from a new, intuitive page.