XTM Cloud 13.7

short term support

Date: June 19, 2024

Closed Beta


  • The XTM GPT integration now also supports GPT on Azure. Besides, it also comes with the new XTM SmartContext feature, which lets GPT reuse fuzzy matches from the Translation Memory to improve translation quality.

  • The Translation Quality Evaluation feature has been improved to provide more accurate scores in case of semantic differences between source and target. Besides, it is now possible to configure a quality threshold directly on the UI.

  • The Non-inclusive and Inappropriate Language Check has been improved with a smarter logic for identifying inappropriate words. Besides, Dutch is now also supported.

Translation QA

  • A new spell checker has been implemented for better user experience, improved accuracy and 8 times increased performance. The new spell checker is for now available in the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Polish, Swedish, and Turkish.

Public Beta

Project management

  • The Workflow editor user interface has been revamped and completely redesigned for a more powerful and seamless user experience.

Public Release


  • XTM Cloud now supports more than 300 new languages. Besides, several language labels have been harmonized to provide the language name plus the region in brackets, if appropriate. Check the updated list at https://help.xtm.cloud/en/xtm-cloud/13.7/en/language-codes.html.

  • It is now possible to track overdue projects, jobs and steps on the Premium Business Intelligence Dashboard.

Project Management

  • XTM Cloud Project managers will now be able to manually reactivate projects even if they are older than 1 year.

  • The Project filters and groups functionalities have been redesigned for enhanced user experience and productivity.

File processing

  • Newlines are now preserved in target .po files.

  • It is now possible to extract alternative text for translation from MS Power Point files using Filter templates.

Terminology management

  • It is now possible to export and import terminology based on unique IDs. This will improve the management and update of homonyms.


  • With the XTM REST API it is now possible to compare two MS Word target files at any point during the workflow to get a MS Word file with revision marks indicating differences between them.

  • It is now possible via REST API to modify a workflow step for a project.