XTM Cloud 10.2

Date: February 26, 2017


  • It is now possible to transfer files via the XTM Messenger.

  • There is a new type of user group called “Chat”.

  • It is now possible to choose chat participants from users assigned to the project including language service providers.

  • XTM notification emails for PMs, limited PMs and linguists have been redesigned and display more information.

  • Word count calculation for Chinese, Japanese and Korean languages has been improved.

  • Upon request XTM can now be configured to improve the speed of matching when using particularly large translation memories.

Project Management

  • Custom fields are now immediately available in project listing and for use in Smart filters.

  • LQA results including the evaluee and evaluator are now visible from within the Project Editor.

  • It is now possible to filter projects by their completion date during the advanced search.


  • The active segment in the XTM Editor is now clearer and more obvious.

Translation QA

  • LQA project details and the evaluee are now recorded in the user record of the person who performed the evaluation.

  • There is a new LQA section listing evaluated projects under the list of user Tasks.

Machine Translation

  • Microsoft Translator now has the option to switch between DataMarket and Azure.


  • The XTM API has been extended with methods to create projects with custom fields, update projects details and return custom fields.