XTM Cloud 11.1

Date: April 15, 2018


  • There is a new option to penalize matches coming from translation memory that is a different language variant.

Project Management

  • A new In-house linguist role can be configured by XTM Support to manage translations into a single language.


  • Matches from language variants can now be highlighted in a different color to attract the linguist’s attention.

File processing

  • XTM can now process markdown .md source files.

Translation Memory Management

  • XTM Align now supports 7 additional languages.


  • There are new methods in the REST API to update an existing project with additional target languages, and obtain project metrics and statistics.

  • There is a method in the REST and SOAP APIs to cancel processing of specific jobs without removing them from the project.

XTM Mobile

  • The XTM mobile app has been optimized to offer better navigation and user experience on Android tablets and iPads.