Restore system values

Restore system values

This guide concerns on-premise instances only. To restore system values for on-cloud instances, please contact the XTRF Help Desk.


The system values restore actions are not reversible. We strongly recommend to make a database copy before performing any of those actions.

To reset or restore system values, themes, templates, and some other values, along with their translations, perform the following steps:

  1. Go to the Configuration menu → System Information → System Values Restore.

    1 - Restore.png
  2. Select the desired action with the radio button:

    • Add missing items from factory defaults

    • Add missing translations from factory defaults

    • Reset translations from factory defaults

  3. For Add missing items option, select the system values you want to add:

    2 - Select.png
    • Use the search field to locate the values in question.

    • Use the and icons to move the selected items between columns.

    • Use the and icons to move all items between columns.

  4. For Add missing translation option, select the system values you want to add translations to and then select the missing languages as described above.

    2 - Select translations.png
  5. For Reset translation option, select the system values you need to reset translations for and then select the languages in question as described above.

  6. Click the Add Missing Items, Add Missing Translations, or Reset Translations button to confirm the changes.


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