Configure the task workflow definition

Configure the task workflow definition


Task workflow definitions have many settings that can be configured after a workflow definition is created. To edit a task workflow definition, go to the Configuration menu → Projects and Quotes → Workflow Definitions (Classic) and open the workflow you want to edit.

Make sure you are viewing the workflow in edit mode. If you can’t see the described fields or provide changes, click the Edit button at the bottom of the page.

Main Data

In this tab, you can check the details provided while adding the workflow.


Additionally, you can provide the localized name for this workflow (in case someone is using your Home Portal in a different language):

  1. Click the Show Localized Names link in the Name section. The Localized Name section will appear.

  2. Click the Add Localized Value button. The Add Localized Value pop-up window will appear.

    1. Select the desired Language.

    2. In the New Value field, provide the user group name in the selected language.

    3. Click the Save button. The new name will appear in the Localized Name section.

  3. Click the Save or Save and Exit button at the bottom of the page.

Workflow Graph

In this tab, you can manage the workflow jobs:

  • To add a workflow job, click one of the icons to add a job to the Quote Jobs or Project Jobs card. A Workflow Job pop-up window will appear. For details, see the Add a workflow job section.

  • To edit a workflow job, click the icon on the job card.

  • To delete a workflow job, click the icon next to the job name.

  • To edit the file flow, click the icon on the job card. The Bundles Assignment pop-up window appears. Each section represents an assignment rule.

    1. Check the All Bundles box to assign all bundles included in this workflow to this job or select the source of the bundles from the From Job drop-down list.

      1. To assign selected bundles, double-click the desired bundle in the Available Items to transfer it to the Selected Items.

    2. (For on-premise clients only) From the Relative Directory drop-down list, select a specific directory from which the files will be taken.
      A relative directory could be selected to avoid issues with file names.
      For example, there is a task with translating and proofreading jobs. There is one input file, test.txt, and this work file is assigned to both jobs. However, before starting the workflow, the project manager creates an Original Files metadirectory in Configuration > Templates > Directories and includes the expression ‘original.' In the Bundle Assignment window for the proofreading job, the PM selects Original files from the Relative Directory drop-down list. When the translator finishes his work, the proofreader receives test.txt, which is the translated document, and original/test.txt, which is the original source document uploaded in the Input Files panel. If the project manager had not created and selected the ‘Original Files’ metadirectory, the proofreader would have received test~1 as the translated document. To learn more about creating metadirectories, see the https://help.xtm.cloud/xtrf/home-portal/configuration-menu/en/directories.html article.

    3. To add another bundle assignment for the selected job, click the Add button. An additional section appears at the bottom of the window. Proceed as described above. 

    4. Click the Save button.

The flow of bundles is shown using arrows in the Workflow Graph tab.

  • You can also decide what happens to the files in the Assignment of Bundles Transferred from Previous Job table that reflects all the jobs added to the workflow.

    1. In the job columns, click on the bundle status to switch between Read/Write, Read Only, and Not Assigned options.

    2. In the Include in Task Output column, click on the text to include or exclude files from the task output.

    3. Click the Save or Save and Exit button.


In this tab, you can decide whether you want to:

  • Automatically Send Quote for Client Confirmation (CAT Tools). When you enable this option, the quote will be sent for confirmation after the CAT tool recalculates the quote’s CAT receivable.

  • Automatically Convert Quote Approved by Client and Start Workflow. When you enable this option, the quote will be automatically converted into a project after the client accepts the quote on the Client Portal. The conversion will also trigger the start of the workflow.

CAT Tools

In this tab, you can:

  • Select a CAT tool used in this workflow.

  • Decide whether you want to Start Workflow after Completing CAT Receivable Using CAT Tool.

  • Decide whether you want to Download Preview Files after Each External Job.

After you select a CAT tool, additional settings will appear. To learn how to configure them, see the related article from the CAT tools section.


In this tab, you can create and manage bundles for this workflow.

  • To open a bundle, click on its line in the table. To open it in edit mode, click the icon.

  • To delete a bundle, click the icon.

  • To add a bundle, click the Add button on top of the Bundle table. The Bundle pop-up will appear.

    1. Provide a Name for the new bundle.

    2. Decide whether you want to include it in the task output.

    3. Add or remove file categories from the Selected Items list to decide which categories should be included in the bundle.

    4. (Optional) Specify the file types that can be uploaded to this bundle with the regular expressions (e.g., .*\txt).
      The files might be restricted regarding:

      • File format. You can find some examples of regular expressions below:

        • .*\.doc: A project manager can upload only .doc files.

        • .*\.(doc|xls)x?: A project manager can upload only .doc or .docx or .xls or .xlsx files.

        • .*\.(doc|pdf): A project manager can upload only .doc or .pdf  files.

      • A common phrase in the filename. For example, if you provide the ^text.* phrase, a project manager can upload only files containing the text phrase in a filename.
        When you specify the expressions for each bundle, the system can automatically assign uploaded files to the appropriate bundles. For example, if bundle A supports .txt files and bundle B supports .doc files, all the uploaded .txt files will be assigned to the bundle A, and all the .doc files to bundle B.
        To enable such an automatic assignment, select the Select Automatically option in the Bundle section of the Upload Files pop-up window (see the Classic projects - Upload source files guide).

    5. Click the Save button. The pop-up window closes.

    6. Click the Save or Save and Exit button.

Files and Directories

In this tab, you can:

  • (For on-premise clients) In the Directories section, decide whether you want to Use Custom Directories on your server. Those directories will be used to save files from tasks where this particular workflow is applied.
    If you select Yes, a table with directories will appear below.

    1. Click the Edit button. The Meta Directory pop-up window will appear.

      Meta directory.png
      1. In the Name field, provide a new name for the folder.

      2. (Optional) Uncheck the Relative to Home box to create a custom path for saving XTRF files on your server.

      3. In the Definition field, you can create a custom folder name expression using the expressions listed below or specify the custom path mentioned above.

      4. Click the Save button.

    2. (Optional) Click the Test button to check the path to the renamed folder.

    3. Click the Save or Save and Exit button.

  • (For on-premise clients) In the Files section, customize the output file names. To do so, select the desired expression from the Rename Output File Expression.
    This action is possible only when an appropriate expression has already been added to the Configuration menu → Templates → Expressions.

  • If you want the project manager to manually approve output files before sending them to the client, uncheck the Auto-accept Workflow Output Files.
    In the Task> Workflow Graph > Workflow Directories > Output Files, the Matching column will appear, where one can approve a file for sending or remove it from the list of files to send.

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Time and Requests

In this tab, you can configure availability requests and deadline calculations.

time and requests.png
  • In the Availability Requests section, you can:

    1. Select how The Vendor Will Be Assigned:

      • Cheapest at deadline

      • First one wins

      • Manually by PM.

    2. Decide whether you want to Start Job after Vendor Selection.

  • In the Automatic Deadline Calculation section, you can decide how the task’s total time from start to deadline should be divided between jobs on a 100-point scale. For example, you expect translation to take 70% and editing - 30% of the task’s total time. Enter 70 in the Estimated Time Weight field for translation and 30 for editing. The deadline date and time for the first job and the start date and time for the second job will be calculated automatically.

    • You can also provide the Extra Time before Task Deadline. This time will be added between the last job and task deadlines. PM can use it for checking the files, contacting the client, etc.


In this tab, you can manage workflow-related notifications:

  • In the Avaivlability Requests section, you can decide whether you want to:

    • Send E-mail to Project Manager about Vendor Selection

    • Send E-mail to Not Selected Vendor

Also, you can select which template to use for informing the PM about an expired job without a vendor. By default, the E-mail/Text Message to User: When nobody has approved an availability request template is used. Still, you can add another one in Configuration menu → Templates → Notifications → Templates and then select it here.

  • In the Vendor Notifications section, you can decide which notifications to use while sending e-mails to vendors: the ones from the vendor settings or custom ones.

  • In the Client Notifications section, you can decide:

    • Which notifications to use while sending e-mails to clients: the ones from the client settings or custom ones.

    • Whether you want to Auto-notify Client after Files Acceptance. If you uncheck this box, the client will not receive any notification about files being ready for download. Nevertheless, those files will be available for download on the Client Portal.
      If you want to change this setting for a particular workflow, use the Auto-notify Client checkbox on the workflow graph (see the https://help.xtm.cloud/xtrf/home-portal/modules/en/workflow-graph-section.html article).
      If the auto-notify option is enabled while the auto-accept option (see the Files and Directories tab article) is disabled, the clients may receive an e-mail about files being ready despite the lack of such files.


In this tab, you can:

  • Configure the receivables for this workflow.

    • Click the Add Receivable button. A Task Receivable pop-up window appears, where you can set the Job Type, Calculation Unit, Quantity, Discount/Surcharge, and provide a Description. All the receivables added to the projects with this workflow will have those values provided automatically.

    • Click the Add CAT Receivable button. A Task Receivable pop-up window appears, where you can set the Job Type, add a Discount/Surcharge, and provide a Description. All the receivables added to the projects with this workflow will have those values provided automatically.

  • Decide whether you want to Automatically Change Receivables Status to "Sent" when Workflow Is Finished.

  • Decide whether you want to make this task invoiceable.


In this tab, you can decide how the resources, such as TMs and terminologies, will be assigned within this workflow.

  • Decide whether you want to Use Default TMs and Default Terminology.

  • Click the Show Advanced Mode to select a specific selection rule for workflow resources or add a new one.

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