Add a client group

To add a new group of clients with specific rights, perform the following steps:

  1. Go to the Configuration menu → Portals → Client Groups and Rights.

    1 - Configuration menu.png
  2. Click the Add button on the top of the Group Rights table. You will be directed to the Add User Group page.

    Client groups3.png
  3. Provide a Name for the new group.

  4. Check the Access Allowed box to grant the group members access to the Client Portal.

    1. In the table below, decide on the access permission for the new group:

      • For each Client Portal area listed in the left-hand column, select the actions available for this group:

        • Browse - allows data filtering.

        • Display - displays data without searching options.

        • Add - allows the creation of new items.

        • Edit - allows editing items.

        • Delete - allows deleting items.

      • Click the All button to select all checkboxes in a column.

      • Click the None button to deselect all checkboxes in a column.

  5. Click the Save button.

  6. Now you can assign clients to this group in the Client profile → Main Data tab → System Accounts tab → Access rights.

If you want to grant specific access rights to a specific client, create a new client group and assign only the desired client to it.



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