Create a new client profile

Create a new client profile


You may add a new client's profile to your database manually, or you may use for this purpose the Import data functionality. The following guide shows how to create a client profile manually.

Manual creation vs import
We recommend creating client profiles manually if you have a small number of clients (up to three clients). For larger number of clients it would be more efficient to import the data.

I. Add a new client profile

To add a new client, perform the following steps:

  1. Sign in to the XTRF Home Portal.

  2. Click the button on the top menu bar and select Client from the drop-down menu.
    Alternatively, go to the Clients module and click the Add Client button in the top right-hand corner.
    You will be directed to the Add Client page.

  3. Provide the necessary details about your client:

    1. A unique name without any special characters. This name will be used internally and stays invisible to your client.

    2. A client’s legal name. It is the official client’s name that will be used in all documents generated on the Home Portal. A legal name can contain special characters or be the same as the name.

    3. The main contact e-mail address of your client. E-mail notifications are the prime form of contact in the Home Portal, so be sure you provide an actual, working e-mail.

    4. (Optional) Select the country of your client registration.

    5. (Optional) From the Branch drop-down list, select the branch of your company responsible for this client.

    6. (Optional) Check the Individual box if this is an individual client, not a company. A contact person will be created automatically based on the provided data.

    7. Click the Continue button. You are directed to the profile of the newly created client.

To learn more about the client profile, see the https://help.xtm.cloud/xtrf/home-portal/modules/en/client-profile.html article.

II. Add a contact person

After your new client's profile is saved into your database, you need to add a contact person to this client's profile. The contact person details are required for most operations performed on the Home Portal. When you are dealing with a corporate client, it is the contact person who will receive the quote-related notifications and be informed about the ready file delivery.

If the Individual box was checked while adding a client’s profile, the contact person is created automatically based on the data provided on the Add Client page.

  1. Click the button in the Contact Persons tab. An Add Contact Person pop-up window appears.

  2. Provide the contact person details and click the Add button.

You have added a contact person to your client profile.

To edit the contact person’s details, hover over their card and click the Show Profile button that appears in the card’s bottom right-hand corner.

You will be directed to this contact person’s profile in the Contacts tab.

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