Add a new user account

Add a new user account


To operate on the XTRF Platform, each user requires an individual account with a username and password. An individual user account is always assigned to a user group. The user group defines access rights for all members within the Home Portal.

On the Home Portal there are several predefined user groups available. You may use them, adapt their properties to your needs or create your own user groups.

I. Add a new user group

  1. Sign in to the XTRF Home Portal.

  2. Go to the Configuration menu → User Management → User Groups and Rights.

  3. Click the Add button on the top of the Group Rights table. You will be directed to the Add User Group page.


  4. Provide the Name for the new user group.

  5. (Optional) Select a Group Leader among the Home Portal users.

  6. Decide whether the new group should be an Active one.

  7. In the table below, decide on the access permission for the new group:

    • For each Home Portal area listed in the left-hand column, select the actions available for this group:

      • Browse - allows data filtering.

      • Display - displays data without searching options.

      • Add - allows the creation of new items.

      • Edit - allows editing items.

      • Delete - allows deleting items.

      • Export - allows exporting data.

      • Customize - allows view customization.

    • Click the All button to select all checkboxes in a column.

    • Click the None button to deselect all checkboxes in a column.

  8. Click the Save button. You have created a new user group.

To provide a localized name for a group in case someone is using your Home Portal in a different language, open the group in edit mode and click the Show Lokalized Names link in the Name section.

II. Add a new user

  1. Sign in to the XTRF Home Portal.

  2. Go to the Configuration menu → User Management → Users.

  3. Click the Add button on the top of the Users table. You will be directed to the Add Users page.


  4. Provide the new user’s Username, First and Last Name, and E-mail Address.

  5. (Optional) Provide the user’s Initials, Phone, and Cell Phone numbers.

  6. (Optional) Select the user’s Gender.

  7. Check the Active box if you want this user to be able to log in to the Home Portal.

  8. (Optional) Select this user’s Position in your company. To learn how to add new positions, see the System Values: Basic - Positions article.

  9. Select the Group this user will belong to. For more information, see the User Groups and Rights article.

  10. (If applicable) Select the Branch this user works for. For more information, see the General Configuration - Branches article.

  11. (Optional) Set a password for the new user. Click the Change button under the Password section. The Change Password pop-up window appears.


    1. Provide and confirm the new password.

Click the ‘Generate password’ button to create a secure password.

  1. Click the Apply button.

If you do not provide a password, it will be set to a random text. To sign in, the new user will need to use the I forgot my password link on the login page, or you can create a password later by editing this user’s profile.

  1. Select the user’s Time Zone. For more information about managing time zones in XTRF, see the General Configuration - Settings - Number and Date Formatting tab article.

  2. Check the Send Welcome E-mail box to send the new user an invitation to the Home Portal.

    Welcome email.png


  3. Click the Save button. You have added a new user account.

To add more details about the user, edit their profile (see the Edit a user profile article).

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