Locale: Create a Locale project for Contentful

Locale: Create a Locale project for Contentful


Contentful is a leading content management platform that empowers businesses to create, manage, and deliver digital content across a variety of channels and devices. Known for its flexibility and scalability, Contentful enables organizations to streamline their content creation and delivery processes, supporting websites, mobile apps, and other digital experiences. When combined with Locale, you easily have access to an automated way of selecting content to be translated by your favorite MT engine, TMS system, or sent to your LSP of choice, all with just a few clicks.

What you will need to get started

  1. The Login link for Locale.

  2. The admin access credentials for your Contentful instance.

    1. Note: Locale does not have access to this information, nor do we provide this information. If you do not possess the correct credentials to access this information, please contact your system administrator or your Contentful representative.

  3. User login information for both your Locale instance, and your Contentful instance.

    1. A trial account of Locale can also be taken for free by going to locale.to and selecting the “Get Started” button.

Creating a Locale project with the Contentful Connector

Once you have completed the requirements in both the Locale: Configure the Contentful Connector in Locale and Locale: Adding Target Languages to your Contentful instance articles, you are ready to create a Locale project with the Contentful connector.

  1. Locale will automatically detect the language pairs in the Contentful project and begin analyzing the content for translation in the Locale platform.

  2. Any content which has previously been translated, either fully or partially, will appear as such.

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  1. It is also possible to select or deselect certain content models for translation by using the Content tab at the top of the screen.

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  1. Once all the necessary content models have been selected for translation, it is time to Push the content for translation. This can be done with AI, MT, or by choosing your preferred TMS of choice. In the below example, we will use a simple AI workflow.

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  1. At this point, Locale will automatically send the content for translation, and when it is complete, put it back in our Contentful instance where it will be available for users to see. The status in Locale will also update to Complete when all our translations have been delivered back to Contentful, and no new content or that language requires translation.

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