Locale: Client Account Profile Information

Locale: Client Account Profile Information


The Account Profile information section can be accessed by selecting the logo in the top left corner of the Locale instance after logging in. This section contains access to the same Activity, Projects, and Authentication tabs as on the left side, with 2 added sections: Users and Settings.


The Users tab is where you can search for, or add users to your account in Locale. Possible users could be content creators, project managers, account managers, localization managers, or whoever would need access to your automated translation workflows.

All users at this level have the same level of access rights, roles, and permissions.

To add a user

  1. Select the Users tab.

  2. Select the green Screenshot 2024-07-31 at 13.37.56.png in the top right corner.

  3. Enter the name and email address of the person you’d like to add, and select the green Invite Green Invite Button.png button.

  1. The person will receive an email invitation to the email address indicated.

  1. Accepting the invitation will bring them to a password creation screen. After creating a password, they can log in to Locale.


Searching for users

  1. Select the Magnifying Glass.png icon in the top right corner, and type the name of the person you’re looking for. If they do not exist, simply follow the steps above to add them. To clear the search field, simply select the Screenshot 2024-08-08 at 16.49.51.png in the search box.



The settings tab gives you a brief overview of the account name and the logo associated with the account.

Change the Account Name

Enter a new name in the text field, and select the green Update BUtton.pngbutton in the upper right corner.

Change the Account Logo

  1. Choose the Select a File Select a File button.png button under the Logo section.

  2. Choose an image file from your local machine and open the image.

  3. Select the green Update BUtton.pngbutton in the upper right corner. The page will refresh and the logo will be updated.

Deactivate an account

Simply select the Deactivate account Deactivate Button.png button.


Deactivating an account does not prevent users from accessing the account. Deactivated accounts can no longer send content to their agency via the automated connectors in the Locale platform. Any ongoing/active projects will be paused.

Reactivate an account

  1. Log into Locale with your username and password.

  2. Navigate to the account profile by selecting the icon in the upper most left corner of the Locale screen

  3. Navigate to the settings tab Screenshot 2024-07-31 at 13.38.14.png .

  4. Select the green Activate account Activate Button.pngbutton.


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