Locale: Client Account

Locale: Client Account


Client accounts are the simplest form of account access in the Locale platform. They are designed to provide a simple, intuitive user interface for a client to access the following:

  • Activity feed information,

  • Ongoing project updates,

  • New project creation,

  • Private management of connections to data sources and processors,

  • Access delegated connections provided by the Agency account.

Delegated accounts allow an Agency account to configure, manage, and maintain the access that a client would have to certain connectors and/or processors. This is not only helpful to create a seamless experience for the client user, but can also enhance access security so that sensitive configuration information (such as server URLs, API keys, etc.) do not need to be shared between client and agency in order to establish an authenticated connection.

Client accounts also contain a flat user hierarchy. Any user that is added to the client account will have the same user roles, rights, and permissions as other users added to the account.

Client Account Articles