Locale: User Profile Information

Locale: User Profile Information


The User Profile information section can be accessed by selecting the user logo in the bottom left corner of the Locale instance after logging in. This section contains basic user information such as user name, and user avatar selection.

User Profile

The User Profile contains the basic information pertaining to the user accessing the Locale instance. Information such as Name and the avatar of the user can be modified here.

All users at this level have the same level of access and rights.


Change the User Profile Name

Simply enter a new name in the text field, and select the green Update Update BUtton.png button in the upper right corner.

Change the User Profile Avatar

  1. Choose the Select a File Select a File button.png button under the Avatar section.

  2. Choose an image file from your local machine and open the image.

  3. Select the green Update Update BUtton.png button in the upper right corner. The page will refresh and the avatar for your user will be updated.