AEM: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

AEM: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


This article provides answers to questions frequently asked by clients when they begin working with the AEM connector.

Questions and answers

We are working on an integration between XTM Cloud and AEM and have some technical issues. How can we reach technical support?

The XTM International Support team can provide you with necessary information and support regarding the XTM API. At the same time, we would like to inform you that we already do have an excellent integration between XTM Cloud and the AEM CMS. Irrespective of what you expect from us, we remain at your disposal. Use the following section of the Connectors Support project, in the Customer Portal, and select a relevant form type to submit an AEM-related issue request to our Support team: https://xtm-cloud.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/4/group/43.

What is the role of XTM Cloud Customer in the AEM integration?

An “XTM customer" can be considered as a repository. Projects created with the AEM connector will be saved for a specified customer. Naturally, when there are multiple websites to localize, each with a different translation service provider localizing content of a distinct profile, and on their own terms, a unique and dedicated XTM Cloud customer is needed.

What will happen if the due date is exceeded for a translation request?

A project in which a due date was exceeded will remain active until it is finished in XTM Cloud. On the main Projects page in AEM, users will see a notification that the project is overdue.

Where can users see the Project creation confirmation dashboard, as shown in the Project summary?

On the Projects main page, users can check the statuses of the projects created in AEM. Projects that have been successfully created in XTM Cloud will take the status Submitted or Scope requested (depending on actions taken by AEM users).

What value should be set for a timer for updating the project status in the AEM configuration? The XTM Connect – Adobe Experience Manager manual states: The frequency with which the project statuses are updated is set in the AEM Scheduler Cron, in the Translation Platform Configuration in /system/console/configMgr.

By default, the status of an XTM Cloud project is checked by the connector once every day and every time an AEM translation project is opened. Naturally, it is possible to modify that value in Adobe Experience Manager → Tools → Operations → Web Console → Translation Platform ConfigurationScheduler Cron. For more information about this topic, read the following article: AEM: How to change the scheduling time for project-related actions in the connector.

What about specifying a proxy in AEM to be able to connect to XTM Cloud? Does any IP whitelisting need to be performed on the AEM side for establishing a successful connection between those two systems?

We highly recommend direct connections. All kinds of proxy services that would stand between the connector and XTM Cloud are prevented because they can potentially cause packets to be lost. Otherwise, a valid XTM Cloud IP address needs to be whitelisted to enable API calls to be passed through the proxy.

What is the role of the XTM Cloud project template in the AEM integration?

An XTM Cloud project template is required for translation in XTM Cloud with predefined project settings such as the source and target languages, workflow definitions, translation memory settings and so on. This is one of the most basic utilities employed in the XTM Cloud translation process. It enables particular translation properties, such as the ones previously mentioned, to be preserved for a type of project so that the XTM Cloud vendor is not forced to configure them from scratch every time a new translation project is requested from AEM.

If you have both AEM UAT and PROD instances, do they both need to be connected to one XTM Cloud instance? If so, how can users distinguish PROD data from UAT data in the XTM Cloud dashboard?

In such a case, AEM UAT and PROD instances do not have to be connected to one XTM Cloud platform. The best course of action for the client is to have them connected to their XTM Cloud counterparts (TEST and PROD), provided that the client has acquired the XTM TEST environment. As the name suggests, the TEST and UAT environments should be regarded as a “sandbox" where connector functionalities are being put to the test against the client's content.

If there is no XTM TEST environment, the XTM International Support team is willing to prepare separate XTM Cloud customers for AEM UAT and PROD instances to differentiate between test and live projects. Another good approach is to use separate XTM Cloud users for the AEM UAT and PROD instances, which will also prevent issues involving the REST token refresher. Finally, projects can be distinguished from each other by changing the XTM Cloud project name template in Adobe Experience Manager → Tools → Cloud Services → Translation Cloud Services → conf → (select your Cloud configuration) → Edit → Advanced → XTM project name template.

What kind of steps need to be followed in XTM and/or AEM when there is an XTM system upgrade/update, and translation projects have already been sent off to XTM, waiting for translation to commence?

The connector will ask XTM about the project status any time it is opened it in AEM. In that case there is no specified actions that need to be followed during the upgrade/update of XTM instance.

Can a user submit the same page for translation in XTM Cloud multiple times? Will a duplicate item be created in XTM Cloud or the page be sent for translation as a new project?

In the case of resubmission of the same page, it can either be included in a new project or, when the source content of this page is changed, it can be added to an existing XTM Cloud project by selecting the appropriate option during the page submission process in AEM.

If a user submits the wrong page for translation in XTM by mistake, is there any way to cancel it on the AEM side?

It is possible to delete a selected translation job in AEM or selected content within the job.

How can I translate i18n dictionaries in AEM Cloud?

The translation of component strings such as i18n dictionaries is not supported in AEM Cloud in the usual way because they reside in an immutable part of the AEM repository, in the /apps directory. For this reason, we recommend that you deselect the Translate Component Strings option in Adobe Experience Manager → Tools → Cloud Services → Translation Cloud Services → conf → (select your Cloud configuration)Translation Integration → Edit → Sites

If you still need to translate i18n dictionaries for your application, you will need to send them to XTM Cloud manually and add them to your base code so that it will be deployed as part of the deployment process. 

An example process flow

  1. An AEM developer creates an English i18n dictionary with all the labels used by the application.

  2. The developer sends the relevant JSON/XML file to someone who can send it to XTM Cloud manually.

  3. The files are translated and the target files then return to the AEM developer.

  4. The developer must then commit the translated dictionaries to the code repository.

You can learn more about mutable and immutable content in this article: Mutable and immutable content.

Why do some of the texts from my page not appear in XTM Workbench?

The reason might be that you are using components with some non-standard JCR properties. By default, AEM only pushes a default set of these properties for translation in XTM Cloud. You need to configure them separately by using a dedicated administration panel. You can read more about this in the official AEM guide.

Why are my Content Fragments not being picked up by translation projects?

There could be two reasons for this and the solution depends on the version of AEM that you are using:

  • If you are using the AEM Cloud version, in Adobe Experience Manager → Tools → Cloud Services → Translation Cloud Services → conf → (select your Cloud configuration)Translation Integration → Edit → Assets, selecting the Enable Content Model Fields for Translation option should resolve the issue.

Is there any size limitation for an AEM project sent off to XTM Cloud for translation?

Technically speaking, since the AEM connector utilizes XTM API, there is no actual size limitation for an AEM project sent off to XTM Cloud for translation.


Keep in mind that the AEM connector have never had any stress tests performed on!

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