XTM Connect - AEM 2.1.0-6.5.6 and Cloud-2021.10.5958

Date: 5 November 2021

XTM Cloud min. Version: 12.8

New or improved functionalities

  • XTM Connect - AEM has been updated to fully support adding and removing content in continuous project mode.

  • Joining files is now supported in XTM Connect - AEM.

  • The option to select multiple target languages now works seamlessly when choosing the Send to translation in XTM option

  • Added an option to aggregate launch pages under their launch target path

    • Configurable on XTM Connector’s Cloud Service Configuration on the Advanced tab

    • Available only if XTM project update is enabled on the Advanced tab

    • If selected, if multiple Language Copy updates for a single AEM page are pushed to the same XTM project, these updates will result in a single XTM job

    • This option is especially recommended for all sites that use AEM Launch functionality for Language Copy updates

  • User experience improvements when translating content through the Send to XTM option

    • Authors can benefit from the improved user experience in XTM Connect - AEM 2.1.0. When creating a new translation project, it is now possible to directly open the project editing view.

    • Submitting AEM content to translation is now more intuitive and user-friendly. The user interface now shows a loading icon or a warning to inform users about the status of the form submission.

  • Additional changes

    • When sending content to translation, the AEM file name now contains an automatically generated, alphanumeric string as a suffix. This makes the connector more flexible when handling files with the same names and when joining files in XTM Cloud.

  • Restricted XTM service user permissions to the following

    • jcr:read on paths /apps/xtm, /conf and /content

    • jcr:all on path /var/xtm

  • Refactored OSGi configurations:

    • Properties from XTM Translation Service have either been moved to Cloud Service Configuration (Advanced tab) or replaced with static values

    • HTTP Proxy Override and Conduit configurations were moved to a different package and thus have a different PID

    • No action needs to be taken if the project was using these configurations’ default values

Bug fixes

  • Improved error handling

  • Fixed an issue where translation previews (required for Visual Mode within XTM) occasionally were not generated immediately after AEM restart

  • Fixed an issue where it was not possible to reject some translations on AEM side

  • Fixed manual translation import

  • Fixed issue where connector ignored default/global configuration if there were no overrides set in the assigned configuration folder

Known issues

  • Unable to set due date on AEM translation job due to Coral UI bug - this bug has already been fixed as of AEM 6.5 Service Pack 9

  • AEM Translation Jobs occasionally get stuck if users click Request Scope and immediately click Start on the same Job

    • Note: Requesting scope before starting a translation job is not mandatory. When using this functionality, it is necessary to wait at least 30 seconds before starting the job, and preferably wait until the scope is available in AEM

  • In AEM Cloud:

    • AEM GUI displays an error if a lot of pages are added at once to a translation project

      • When such an error is displayed, it is necessary to refresh the page and manually verify if the pages have been added to the translation project

      • To avoid this error, it is preferable to add pages to translation projects in smaller chunks

    • When manually updating target languages in a translation project, the first entry is always removed