TMX attributes that are applicable during TM import & export
The TM import feature comes with a wide range of attributes that you can import from or export a TMX file, if required. In the next section, you will find attributes that can play a role in their individual processes.
Before reading the article below, we recommend that you read the step-by-step guideline to importing and exporting your TM: |
Attributes imported from TMX
See the list of attributes related to the importing of the TMX file
creationdate → translation creation date,
creationid → userID or username of the linguist who translated the segment.
changedate → date of last change in the segment.
changeid → userID or username of the person who last changed the segment.
Attributes changedate and changeid only store the last change.
All dates are given in UTC ISO 8601.
x-Project → project name,
x-project-reference-id → project reference ID,
x-previous-source-text and x-next-source-text → contains context information,
x-previous-crc and x-next-crc → contains the “crc” information,
Those fields are required to get ICE matches.
x-previous-target-crc and x-next-target-crc → contains the target “crc” information if the source is translated,
Those not required to get ICE matches.
idiom-prev-hashcode and x-idiom-next-hashcode → contains World Server hashes,
x-idiom-source-ipath and x-idiom-target-ipath → path to source and target files,
x-segment-id → segment ID,
x-xtm-status → segment status. This can be one of two: Approved and Not approved:
a) In UI:
Import or set approved/not approved status → Import statuses and set as approved where missing;
Import or set approved/not approved status → Import statuses and set as not approved where missing.
b) API – the importTM method:
<segmentImportStatus>FROM_FILE_OR_APPROVE </segmentImportStatus>
<segmentImportStatus>FROM_FILE_OR_NOT_APPROVE </segmentImportStatus>
c) Bridge
Not approved status is the default value. The status can only be changed in the Bridge configuration.
prop type="Status" → XLIFF:doc status. There are 5 possible values:
New (1) → "new";
Translated (2) → "translated";
Proofed (3) → "final";
Validated (4) → "signed-off";
Rejected (-1) → "needs-review-translation".
prop type="YOUR_GROUP_TAG" → tags. If the tags do not exist in the XTM Cloud UI, they will not be imported,
where: "group" → tag group name; "tag1" and "tag2" → tags. |
Attributes added to TMX after exporting TM
See the list of attributes that are added to the TMX file during the TM export process.
tuid → segment database ID,
prop type="user-defined" → Client name and customer ID.
where: "am" → client name; “76082” → customer ID. |
If a segment exists, but some data in TMX is being updated…
Sometimes the same segment might exist both in the XTM Cloud UI and in an TMX file. If this is the case, then
A new segment (duplicate) is created for:
x-previous-crc, x-next-crc, x-previous-target-crc and x-next-target-crc.
Old data is replaced with a new one in an existing segment for:
prop type="Status".
Segments are ignored during import for:
x-previous-source-text and x-next-source-text,
prop type="Tag",
x-idiom-prev-hashcode and x-idiom-next-hashcode,
x-idiom-source-ipath and x-idiom-target-ipath.
Modification of segments during the saving process
In addition, a user can choose which segment is to be modified. All options are available in global settings (administrative privileges required!): Configuration → Settings → Translation → TM → Matches - general → Modify the existing TM record if the project segment has the same.