Versions Compared


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Table of Contents

A Smart project's page consists of several cards arranged in logical order. Here you can check, change, and add the project details, as well as manage the whole localization process.

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  • At the top of the page, you will see the project’s ID and name:

    • To change the project’s name, click on it and provide a new name.

    • You can’t change the project’s ID; however, you can change the way the projects are numbered in XTRF. To learn how to do that, see the Templates - Numbering Schemes article.

    • To delete or archive the project, click the (blue star) icon.


You can change the name only for projects with Requested and Open status.

  • If the project has issues that need to be addressed, a special warning will appear.

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  • To navigate the project, use the sidebar on the left.

  • In the project side panel on the right, you can:

    • Change the project’s status (see the expand below).

    • Start jobs (available when all the listed requirements are met).

    • Send project confirmation to the client (available only after you have added the receivables).

    • Add categories to the project. To learn more about categories, see the Configure system values - Categories article.

    • Leave feedback about the project management in XTRF.

Smart project statuses and available actions

In Smart projects, statuses are linked to the possible actions that can be selected in the status bar at the top of the right-hand side panel.

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titleClick to check the available actions




  • Mark as Open

  • Cancel Project


  • Cancel Project


No actions available


No actions available

Order card

Some fields of the Order card are already filled with the information you provided while creating the project. However, you may add more details:

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  • Select or change the Client.
    Note: Changing the service is possible until you start the project or send a project confirmation.

  • Select or change the Service.
    Note: Changing the client is possible until you close the project or create a client invoice in Ready status.

  • Enter the Client Deadline.

  • Provide the Client Reference Number - a PO number or any reference number on the client side.

  • (Recommended) Provide the volume of the source file(s) to establish the duration of the translation, proofreading, and other steps in the process.
    Note: If you provide the source volume, you can use the Automatic Job Dates feature to schedule the jobs. To learn more about this automation, see theSmart automations- Automatic Job Dates article.
  • In the Client Notes field, check the notes provided by the client on the Client Portal while creating a quote or a project. You can also enter additional information passed by the client (such as special instructions, etc.) here.

  • In the Internal Notes field, provide the information that isn't relevant for the client but is important for internal staff.

  • If the client is marked as a permanent non-payer, you will see a warning on the Order card.

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    Languages card

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    1. Select the Source Language.

    2. Select one or several Target Languages.

    3. Select the Specialization.


    To learn more about specializations, see the Configure System Values - Specializations article.

    The source language can't be changed in projects with Started status, but you can still add new target languages. To delete target languages in a Started project, you should revert all related jobs to Open. You can’t change languages in Closed or Canceled projects.

    Specialization can be changed until the project is Closed or Canceled. Changes in the project’s specialization will be reflected in a linked quote.


    Changing the Specialization after defining payables or receivables may result in applying incorrect rates. After you change the project’s specialization, always check if the data in the Finance card is correct.

    Process card

    In this card, you can manage the project’s crucial information: the sequence of steps included in the process, job dates, statuses, and assigned vendors.

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    The Process card consists of one or several steps arranged in a sequence. For projects with several target languages, you can enable automatic job splitting (described below in the Process card section). In this case, steps will display the number of included jobs, their status, and assigned vendors.

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    In the Process card, you can:

    • Start the process by clicking the Start … Job(s) button.

    Image Removed InfoOnly the first jobs in the process with Accepted status can be started from the Process card. The following jobs can be started automatically (see the Process Designer article) or manually in the step side panel (see the Step side panelexpand below).
    • Execute job-related actions. Select the job card and click the Job Actions drop-down menu to see available actions. Job actions are described in the Jobs card section of this article.

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    • Select another process template. Click the Change Process button and select another process from the drop-down menu. To learn more about process templates, see the Projects and Quotes > Process Templates (Smart) article.

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    If you change the process, all the step-related data will be lost.


    Process templates can be swapped only in projects with no started jobs or initiated synchronization (for CAT tool integrations).

    • Edit the process for the project. Click the Edit Process button in the top left-hand corner of the card. You will be directed to the Process Designer page. For more details, see the Process Designer article.


    The process can’t be changed when its status is Closed or Canceled or at least one job is already invoiced.


    If you want to change the process on the template level, go to (blue star) Configuration Menu > Projects and Quotes > Process Templates (Smart). To learn more about changing templates, see the Projects and Quotes - Process Templates (Smart) article.

    • Filter jobs by languages. Click the (blue star) icon and then select the language in question from the drop-down menu.

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    • Enable and disable the Automated Jobs Splitting. Click the (blue star) icon. The Automation Configuration pop-up window appears. Select the step types you want to be automatically split for different languages and switch the Off/On button. You can also check what other automations are available and where to enable them. To learn more about automations, see the Smart automations article.

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    • Expand the Process card by clicking the (blue star) icon.

    • Open the step side panel by clicking on the job’s card in the process. If you have several jobs in one step, the list of jobs will be displayed on the right-hand side. Click on the job to see its details and settings. For more details, see the Step side panel expand below. To learn more about steps, see the Projects and Quotes - Process Steps (Smart) article.

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    When you open the step side panel from the Process card, the jobs in question automatically become selected in the Jobs card.

    • For one-job steps, provide dates and select vendors directly on the step cards.

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  • Click the Select Dates button and provide the planned start and deadline dates.

  • To select a specific vendor, click the Select Vendor button. The Select Vendor pop-up window appears with Job Type, Source Language, Target Language, and Specialization filters preselected according to the details of the job. You may narrow down the list of vendors using other filters as well. Click on the selected vendor and then click the Select Vendor button at the bottom of the pop-up.

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    Note: This pop-up shows the vendor’s different price profiles. To display the vendor’s rates, in the Calculation Unit filter, select the calculation unit set in vendors' price profiles.

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    Note: To switch to the Vendor Workload view, click the (blue star) icon in the top right-hand corner. To learn more about this view, see the Smart views - Vendor Workload viewarticle.

  • To send job offers to several vendors, click the (blue star) icon > Send Job Offers. The Send Job Offers pop-up window appears.

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    • For the automatic vendor selection (default setting), select the rule from the Select Vendors According to Rule drop-down list. To learn more about vendor selection rules, see the Projects and Quotes - Vendor Selection Rules (Smart) article.

    • For the manual vendor selection, click the Select Vendors Manually radio button and then click the Add Vendor(s) button. The Select Vendor pop-up window appears, where you can select vendors to send job offers to.

    • Click the E-mail Preview button to preview and edit the message that will be sent to vendors.

    • Click the Send Job Offers to send e-mails to the selected vendors.

  • To send advanced job offers through the Job Offers app, click the (blue star) icon > Send Advanced Job Offers.

  • Info

    To learn more about job offers, see the Job Offers section in the XTRF UserEcho Knowledge base. To lean more about the Job Offers app, see the XTRF Guide to Job Offers App article.

    Step side panel

    titleStep side panel

    Several settings of the step side panel are available only for jobs with Open status.

    In this panel, you can:

    • On top of the panel, change the job status by selecting one from the drop-down list. The available actions will differ depending on the job’s actual status.

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    • Mark as accepted

    • Cancel job


    • Start Job

    • Revert to Open

    • Cancel Job

    Accepted (Invoiced)

    • Start Job

    • Revert to Open

    • Cancel Job


    • Mark as ready

    • Mark as accepted

    • Cancel job


    • Revert to started


    • Revert to Open

  • In the Language section, you can change the job language (only the languages selected in the Language card are available).

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  • In the Vendor section, select or change the vendor. For open jobs with defined languages and dates, you can also send job offers.

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  • In the Dates section, select or change the planned start and deadline dates.

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  • In the Time Tracking section, check the estimated and actually spent time for the job. The estimated time is based on the vendor’s productivity set either globally in the job description (see the System Values: Advanced - Job Types article) or individually in the vendor’s price profile (see the Vendor profile - Competencies & Rates tab article).

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    By clicking the Loggedlink, you can see the details of the logged time.
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    InfoYou can see the logged time only for vendors that are allowed to log time in the Vendor Portal. To change this setting, go to (blue star) Configuration Menu > Portals > Vendor Portal > Job Manager settings.

  • In the Communication section, add instructions to all jobs included in this project or this job only, and check if the vendor has left any notes about the job.

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  • In the Volume section, check the job volume in source words. Volume is the same for all jobs and can be changed in the Order card.

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  • In the Finance section, check the project’s total cost calculated based on the payables from the Finance card.

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  • In the Purchase Order section, edit, send, or preview the purchase order to the assigned vendor. If an order was already sent, you would see the status Sent and the date of the sending.
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  • In the Files section, check the work and reference files for this job, share additional files with this vendor, and add files or links for the files delivered in this job.

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    Note: The Share files option may be useful in case you want to share with the vendor some files that were uploaded in the Files card and are not classified as work or reference files.

  • In the File Flow section, check where this job receives files from and delivers them to.

  • Jobs card

    This card provides a detailed overview of all jobs in the project and allows the execution of job-related actions.

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    In the Jobs card, you can:

    • Execute several job actions. Check the box(es) in the first column and open the Job Actions drop-down menu. The list of available actions will depend on the job status and provided job details. For example, you can’t delete or send offers for an Accepted job or send a purchase order for a job without payables.

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      From the Job Actions menu, you can:

      • Select a vendor (this action is described in the Process card above).

      • Send job offers (this action is described in the Process card above).

      • Send advanced job offers through the Job Offers app (see the XTRF Guide to Job Offers App article).

      • Select the planned start and deadline dates.

      • Shift the planned start and deadline dates (to be available soon).

      • Share files with selected jobs. The Share Files with… pop-up window appears. Select the necessary files, and with the radio button, decide whether you want to share them as work or reference files. Click the Share Files button.

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      • Stop sharing files with selected jobs. The Stop Sharing files with… pop-up window appears. Select the files you don’t want to share with this job and click the Stop Sharing Files button.

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      • Send purchase orders for the selected jobs.

      • Edit and send the e-mail that goes with the purchase order. The E-mail Test pop-up window appears, where you can edit the e-mail content.

      • Preview the purchase order.

      • Split one job into several. The Split job pop-up window appears, where you can select the splitting principle.
        Note: For jobs with a single language combination, only the third option is available.

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      • Delete the job.

    • Enable the Automatic Job Dates and Automatic PO Sending automations. Click the (blue star) icon in the card’s top right-hand corner. The Automation Configuration pop-up window appears.

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      • Switch the Off/On button to enable or disable the automation.

      • For Automatic Job Dates, provide the minimum job duration.

      • For Automatic PO Sending, select when to send the purchase order with the radio button. Uncheck the Send PO to external (non-in-house) vendors only to send PO to all types of vendors.

      • Click the Apply changes button.
        To learn more about automations, see the Smart automations article.

    • Switch to the Schedule view, which allows you to preview and modify jobs on the timeline. Click on the (blue star) icon and select Schedule from the drop-down menu.

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      • Click the Zoom icons to change the default weekly view to the monthly or daily view.

      • Check the Hide weekends box to display only working days. You can decide whether weekends should be considered as working days in the (blue star) Configuration menu > Clients and Vendors > Vendor Settings > Availability tab.

      • Check the Show only office hours box to hide the non-working hours. To set office hours for vendors, go to the (blue star) Configuration menu > Clients and Vendors > Vendor Settings > Availability tab.

      • Drag and drop the job blocks to change the start date.

      • Click on the job block side borders and move the cursor to extend or shorten the job duration.

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      • Expand the Jobs card by clicking the (blue star) icon.

    • Open the step side panel by clicking on the selected job. The step side panel is described in the Process card - Step side panel section of this article.

    The jobs are marked with different colors according to their status:

    • Open

    • Accepted

    • Started

    • Ready

    • Canceled

    The same color marking is applied in the Process card and step side panels.


    Jobs with some issues, such as start delays or overlappings, are marked with the (warning) sign. Hover over this sign to see what the issue is.

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    Files card

    This card allows you to manage project files: manually uploaded documents and links to external resources.

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    In the Files card, you can:

    • Add files to the project.
      To upload a file:

    1. Click the Add Files button in the center of the Files card or drag and drop a file from your local machine to the Files card.

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      If the project already has any files uploaded, click the Add Files button on top of the file list.

    2. After you select the files you want to upload, the Add Files pop-up window appears.

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    3. Select the files' category and languages. To set the same category and languages for several files, check their boxes in the first column and click the Edit Properties button.

    4. To locate a particular file, click the (blue star) icon. The Name and Category filters will appear on top of the files list.

    5. Click Add Files button at the bottom of the pop-up.


    If you don’t click the Add Files button, the Add Files pop-up will be minimized so you can continue adding those files later.

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    To add a link, click the Add Links button in the center of the Files card (for projects with no previous files added) or click the (blue star) icon next to the Add Files button on top of the file list, and then click the Add Links button.

    Regular files uploaded to XTRF are stored on the XTRF server space. Therefore, running heavy files through XTRF may slow down the system. Those issues can be avoided by using links instead of uploaded files. Using links can also increase the range of shared and stored documents since links can lead to websites, online files, cloud disks, SFTP servers, videos, external apps, etc. Another option for reducing storage space usage is archiving (for more details, see the Projects module - Manage projects article).

    • Execute several file actions. Check the box(es) in the first column and open the File Actions drop-down menu. The list of available actions will depend on the status of the related jobs. For example, you can’t edit properties of files that are shared with the jobs with Ready or Canceled status.

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      From the File Actions menu, you can:

      • Send files to the client in a zip package. The E-mail Test pop-up window appears, where you can edit the message to the client and attach additional files. To send all the files, uncheck all the boxes and click the Send All Files to Client button that appears in the menu.

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      • Share file(s) with jobs. The Share … with Jobs pop-up window appears, where you can select jobs to share the file with and the file category.

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      • Stop sharing file(s) with jobs. The Stop Sharing… with Jobs pop-up window appears, where you can select jobs you want to unshare the file with.

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      • Edit file properties. The Edit Properties for …pop-up window appears, where you can change the file’s category and languages.

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      • Download the selected files.

      • Delete the selected files.

    • Filter the files. Click the (blue star) icon and use the filters that appear on top of the files list.

    • Enable or disable Automatic CAT Analyses and Automatic Files Delivery automations. Click the (blue star) icon in the card’s top right-hand corner. The Automation Configuration pop-up window appears.

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      • Switch the Off/On button to enable or disable the automation.

      • For Automatic Files Delivery, select when the files should be delivered (you can select more than one option) and select which documents should be delivered from the drop-down list.

      • Click the Apply changes button.
        To learn more about automations, see the Smart automations article.

    • Change the number of displayed files. Click the (blue star) icon and then select the desired number.

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    Finance card

    This card contains all of the project’s financial information divided into 6 tabs.

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    From any tab, you can enable the Automatic Receivables and Automatic Payables automations. To learn more about automations, see the Smart automations article.


    This option works for both CAT tool-integrated projects and manually added CAT analysis.

    1. Click the (blue star) icon in the card’s top right-hand corner. The Automation Configuration pop-up window appears.

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    2. Switch the Off/On button to enable or disable the automations.

    3. Click the (blue star) icon to edit the automations.

    4. For Automatic Receivables:

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      1. Select to which job type the receivable will be applied.

      2. Select the source of the Quantity. If you select the Use CAT Analysis option, decide whether to use full analysis or total quantity and which CAT analysis file to use.

      3. Select the calculation unit.

      4. Click the Done button.

    5. For Automatic Payables:

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      1. Select the source of the Quantity. If you select the Use CAT Analysis option, decide whether to use full analysis or total quantity and which CAT analysis file to use.

      2. Select the calculation Unit.

      3. Select the source of the Percentage Rates.

      4. Click the Done button.

    For CAT tool-integrated projects and projects with a manually added CAT analysis file, you can add receivables and payables using CAT analysis.

    titleAdd receivables and payables using CAT analysis

    To add receivables:

    1. Click the Add Receivables Using CAT Analysis button in the card’s top right-hand corner. The Add Receivables Using CAT Analysis pop-up window appears.

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    2. Select the Job Type.

    3. Select the calculation Unit.

    4. Select the CAT Analysis File(s).

    5. Decide on whether to use the full CAT Analysis or the total quantity only.

    6. Click the Add Receivables button.

    To add payables:

    1. Click the Add Payables Using CAT Analysis button in the card’s top right-hand corner. The Add Payables Using CAT Analysis pop-up window appears.

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    2. Select the Steps you want to add payables to.

    3. Select the calculation Unit.

    4. Select the source of the Percentage Rates.

    5. Select the CAT Analysis File(s).

    6. Decide on whether to use the full CAT Analysis or the total quantity only.

    7. Click the Add Payables button.

    Overall tab

    This tab displays the project's overall profitability, along with the margin and ROI. For multilingual projects, click the Show Finance by Languages link to display the financial data for each language pair separately.

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    Receivables tab

    In this tab, you can check, add and edit project receivables.

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    Add a receivable

  • Select the language pair in the left-hand side menu.

  • Click the Add Receivable button. The Task Receivable pop-up window appears.

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  • Select the Receivable Type.

  • Select the correct Job Type. To learn more about job types, see the Configure system values - Job Types article.
    Note: The job type of the receivable may or may not correlate with the jobs included in the process. One receivable can cover the whole process, or you can create several receivables for each step and language pair.

  • Select the Calculation Unit that will be used to calculate the total value of the task.
    Note: If the client has a price profile and rates added (see the Clients module - Client profile - Rates tab article) that match the project data, the Rate Value and Minimum Charge sections will be filled automatically. Otherwise, you have to fill them in manually.

  • Provide the Quantity of the selected calculation units. You can import the quantity if you have other receivables or payables already defined.

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  • In the Rate Origin section, check if the rates were taken from the correct source.

  • (Optional) If you want to add a surcharge or discount to the receivable, click the Edit button in the Discount / Surcharge section. The Discounts/Surcharges pop-up window appears:

    With the Application moderadio buttons, select the way the discount/surcharge will be applied:
    • First sum up then apply - the values of all discounts/surcharges are first summed up and then applied once.
      For example, a vendor earns $500 and has a 10% discount and a 5% surcharge. When the discount and surcharge are added, the result would be a 5% discount. The 5% discount would then be applied to $500, and the vendor will receive $475.

    • Apply one by one - each value of the discount/surcharge is applied separately.
      For example, a vendor earns $500 and has a 10% discount and a 5% surcharge. The 10% discount is applied to $500, with the result being $450. The 5% surcharge is then applied to $450; the vendor will receive $472.50. The overall discount is 5.5%.

    • Manual - you manually provide the value of the discount/surcharge.

    In the Editsection, select the available discounts and surcharges from the Add... drop-down list. To learn how to add discounts and surcharges to the system, see the System values: Basic - Discounts & Surcharges article.
  • Click the Save button.

  • (Optional) Provide additional information about the receivable in the Description field.

  • Check the sum in the Total Value section.

  • Click the Save button to add the receivable.

  • To add a CAT receivable, click the Add CAT Receivable button or select the Task Cat Receivable with the radio button in the Task Receivable window. The Task CAT Receivable pop-up window appears.
    Note: This option doesn’t allow you to use the already uploaded CAT analysis. Upload a new analysis file or use the Add Receivables / Payables using CAT Analysis options described in the Finance card section above.

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    1. Provide the necessary information as described in steps 3-10 above.

    2. In the TM Savings section, select your CAT tool.

    3. Select the rates type - Percentage or Fixed.

    4. Upload the Analysis File from your local machine or enter the rates manually. To learn more about CAT tools in XTRF, see the articles in the CAT tools section.

    5. Click the Save button.

  • By default, the CAT weighted total sum is calculated automatically and not editable. If you want to change this, go to the (blue star) Configuration menu > Projects and Quotes > Settings > Finance tab and check the Enable Editable CAT Weighted Totals box. In the Task CAT Receivable pop-up window, an additional editable (blue star) field will appear at the bottom of the Quantity column, where you can provide the desired number of words. If no other quantity is added, the provided number of words will be calculated as No match match type.

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    Some values we mention in this section, such as job types or calculation units, are customizable. For detailed information, see the Configure system values article.

    After you have added one or several receivables, they will be displayed in the Receivables tab.

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    • Check the receivables summary in the overview section. Here you can:

      • Add discounts or surcharges to all receivables at once in the Discount/Surcharge section. Click the Edit button and proceed as described in the Add Receivable section above.

      • Unselect the Auto-calculate Total Agreed box and provide the desired sum in the Total Agreed section. To change the default setting of this checkbox, go to the (blue star) Configuration menu > Projects and Quotes > Settings > Finance tab.

    • Check the receivable details in the receivables list and Receivable Display Panel below. To edit a receivable, click the (blue star) icon

    Payables tab

    In this tab, you can check, add and edit project payables.

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    Add a payable

    nameAdd a payable
    1. Select the desired language pair and job in the left-hand side menu.
      Note: Unlike receivables, payables always have fixed job types, as they are based on vendors' rates set for specific job types.

    2. Click the Add Payable button. The Job Payable pop-up window appears.

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    3. Select the Payable Type.

    4. Select the Calculation Unit that will be used to calculate the total value of the job.
      Note: If the provided data matches the vendor’s price profile, the Rate Value and Minimum Charge sections will be filled automatically. Otherwise, you have to fill them in manually.

    5. Provide the Quantity of the selected calculation units. You can import the quantity if you have other receivables or payables already defined.

    6. In the Rate Origin section, check if the rates were taken from the correct source.

    7. (Optional) Provide additional information about the payable in the Description field.

    8. Check the sum in the Total Value section.

    9. Click the Save button to add the payable.

    10. To add a CAT payable, click the Add CAT Payable button or select the Job Cat Payable with the radio button in the Job Payable window. The Job CAT Payable pop-up window appears.

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      1. Provide the necessary information as described in steps 3-7 above.

      2. In the TM Savings section, select your CAT tool.

      3. Select the rates type - Percentage or Fixed.

      4. Upload the Analysis File from your local machine or enter the rates manually. For manually entered rates, you can import the rates from the client’s or vendor’s price profile or copy them from other payables or receivables. You can also import quantity from other CAT payables.

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        To learn more about CAT tools in XTRF, see the articles in the CAT tools section.

      5. Click the Save button.

    By default, the CAT weighted total sum is calculated automatically and not editable. If you want to change this, go to the (blue star) Configuration menu > Projects and Quotes > Settings > Finance tab and check the Enable Editable CAT Weighted Totals box. In the Job CAT Payable pop-up window, an additional editable (blue star) field will appear at the bottom of the Quantity column, where you can provide the desired number of words. If no other quantity is added, the provided number of words will be calculated as No match match type.

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    Don’t forget to add payables to all the jobs and language pairs included in the process.


    Some values we mention in this section, such as job types or calculation units, are customizable. For detailed information, see the Configure system values article.

    After adding one or several payables, they will be displayed on the jobs subpages in the Payables tab. You can have several payables for one job (for example, if different translators perform the translation).

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    Check the job payables summary in the overview section. Here you can:

  • Add discounts or surcharges to all job payables at once in the Discount/Surcharge section. Click the Edit button and proceed as described in the Add Receivable section above.

  • Unselect the Auto-calculate Total Cost box and provide the desired sum in the Total Cost section.To change the default setting of this checkbox, go to the(blue star) Configuration menu > Projects and Quotes > Settings > Finance tab.
  • Check the payable details in the payables list and Payables Display Panel below. To edit a payable, click the (blue star) icon

  • Rates tab

    In this tab, you can check and change the client’s and vendor’s price profiles used to calculate this project's finances.

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    To select another price profile, click on a drop-down menu.


    You can’t change the price profile for vendors assigned to non-open jobs.

    Invoicing Terms tab

    In this tab, you can check and change the invoicing terms for clients and vendors.

    In the Client Invoicing section, you can:

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    • Decide whether the task is Invoiceable.

    • Uncheck the Use Default box to provide a custom Invoice Expected Date, and select the Payment Terms and Tax Rate.

    • Check the Payment Status.

    • Add a client invoice.

    • Check the Currency Exchange Rate.

    In the Vendor Invoicing section, you can:

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  • Decide whether the task is Invoiceable or whether this should depend on vendor profile settings.

  • Uncheck the Use Invoicing Details from Vendor Profile box to provide a custom Invoice Expected Date, andselect the Payment Terms and Tax Rate.
  • Check the Payment Status.

  • Check the Currency Exchange Rate.

  • Info

    To learn more about invoicing, see the Invoicing module article.

    Prepayment tab

    In this tab, you can add and manage a project prepayment.

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    Add a prepayment
    1. Click the Add button. The Add Prepayment pop-up window appears.

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    2. In the Amount section, decide whether the prepayment will be a Specific Value or a Percentage of Total Agreed and provide the necessary numbers.

    3. Select the Due Date.

    4. Select the Clearing Mode from the drop-down list:

      • With the first task.

      • Proportionally to tasks Total Agreed.

      • With the last task.

    5. Click the Save button.

    After adding the prepayment, you can:

    Image Removed
    • Edit or Delete the prepayment.

    • Add a prepayment invoice.

    • Add a client payment.


    To learn more about invoicing and payments, see the Invoicing module article.

    People card

    In this card, you can check and change information about all people involved in the project. Most fields are filled in automatically, but you can change the selection as long as the project or a job is open.

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    Project Responsible Persons

    • Sales Person is imported from the client’s profile Main data tab > Sales data subtab.

    • Project Manager is assigned according to the rule from Automatic People Assignments automation (see the Smart automations - Automatic People Assignments article).

    • Account Manager is imported from the client’s profile Main data tab > Sales data subtab.

    • Project Coordinator is imported from the client’s profile Main data tab > Sales data subtab.


    Note: The Account Manager Responsible and Project Coordinator Responsible fields in the client’s profile are hidden by default. To unhide them, go to the (blue star) Configuration menu > General Configuration > Hidden Fields.

    Client Contact Persons

    • Main Contact is either the person who requested the project on the Client Portal or the client’s default contact person (for the projects created on the Home Portal).
      Note: The default contact person can be set for each price profile (see the Clients module - Client profile - Rates tab article).

    • Additional Contacts are to be entered manually on the project level. They will be included in CC in all the XTRF-to-client e-mail notifications concerning this project.

    Vendor Contact Persons

    Vendors and their contacts are listed per language. If a vendor has no contact person, they could be added directly from this card.

    Quality Assurance card

    In this card, you can check the feedback on the quality of translation, complaints from the client, and client satisfaction survey results.

    Feedback tab

    In this tab, you can check and edit the feedback left by the client on the Client Portal or add your own.

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    All the feedback for this project will be displayed in the Feedback Report table. To check the feedback report details, click on its line in the table. To edit the feedback, click the (blue star) icon.

    nameAdd feedback
    Add a feedback report
  • Click the Add button on top of the Feedback Reports table. You will be directed to the Feedback Report page.

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  • Select the Feedback Type - Client Approval, Client Complaint,or Internal Nonconformity.
  • Provide a Description.

  • (Optional) Change the Added on date.

  • (Optional) Provide the Cause of Discrepancy or necessary Comments.

  • (Optional) Describe the Measures Taken.

  • (Optional) Select the project’s Related Tasks from the drop-down list.

  • (Optional) Select the Related Users from the drop-down list of the Home Portal users.

  • (Optional) Select the project’s Related Vendors from the drop-down list.

  • (Optional) Set the Deadline for Implementation.

  • (Optional) Select the Responsible for Implementation from the drop-down list of the Home Portal users.

  • (Optional) Set the Efficiency Approved on date.

  • (Optional) Select the responsible person for Efficiency Approved by sectionfrom the drop-down list of the Home Portal users.
  • (Optional) Select the Document Template for this report.

  • Click the Save button.

  • All the feedback for this project will be displayed in the Feedback Report table. To check the feedback report details, click on its line in the table. To edit the feedback, click the (blue star) icon.

    While in edit mode, you can:

    • add the details about handling the report, such as efficiency approvement or measures taken

    • mark the issue as resolved by clicking the Mark as Resolved button.

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    Client Satisfaction tab

    In this tab, you can send a satisfaction survey to your client and check its results after the project is closed.

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    • Remove unwanted survey questions by clicking the (blue star) icon. To change or add the questions, go to (blue star) Configuration menu > Clients and Vendors > Client Settings > Satisfaction Survey tab.

    • Click the (blue star) icon to edit the e-mail message sent with the survey.

    • Click the Send Survey to Client button.

    After the client completes the survey, its results will be displayed in the tab.

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    In case the survey wasn’t conducted through the Home Portal, you can enter the results manually.

    To erase the survey results, click the Clear Survey button.


    This feature is included in Professional and Ultimate XTRF Plans.  

    Job Evaluation tab

    In this tab, you can see the results of the vendor evaluation. It can be performed by either a PM on the Home Portal or another vendor on the Vendor Portal after the job is completed.

    Vendor evaluation option is job-related and can be enabled in the Process Designer (see the Job configuration side panel section - Allow the vendor to evaluate the previous step), or Process Template Designer (see Step f.).

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    There are two types of evaluation: a 5 or 10-point scale rating and a LISA evaluation.


    To switch between the 5 and 10-point scale, go to (blue star) Configuration menu > Clients and Vendors > Vendor Settings > Evaluation tab.

    To evaluate the vendor’s work, select the job in question in the left-hand side menu.

    • For a regular evaluation, click on the stars in the Evaluation section. You may also provide comments in the Internal Feedback section.

    • To activate LISA evaluation, click the Add LISA Evaluation button.


    After you click the Add LISA Evaluation button, you can’t change the rating in the Evaluation section. After you click the Apply LISA Evaluation button, it will be automatically recalculated according to the LISA evaluation.

    You can manually provide the LISA evaluation on the Home Portal or let the following vendor evaluate the preceding job on the Vendor Portal.

    titleLISA evaluation

    To complete a LISA evaluation, provide the following data in the LISA Evaluation table:

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    1. The Total Number of Words in the document.

    2. The Number of Checked Words during the evaluation.

    3. In the Error Storage section, enter the number of errors found in the document. The following error severity levels are defined:

      • Minor: Errors in translation or grammar that do not impact meaning (weight: 1 point).

      • Major: Errors in translation or grammar that impact meaning. This can also be any error on the cover, in the table of contents, and in other easily detectable and, therefore, important places (weight: 5 points).

      • Critical: Errors that compromise the meaning of the entire document and errors that can cause damage to equipment or user’s injury (weight: 10 points).

    4. (Optional) Provide General Feedback for the job.

    5. (Optional) Select another Document Template for the evaluation.

    6. Click the Apply LISA Evaluation button to calculate the evaluation using the data provided. The Evaluation section on top of the page will be updated accordingly.


    XTRF uses the following formula for Quality Index (QI) calculation, which is converted into a 1-5 or 1-10 final evaluation of the job:

    QI = (1 – Total mistake points / Number of words checked) × 100

    You can manage the LISA TQI Threshold for the ratings in Configurations > System Values: Advanced > Ratings.

    An example of the calculation:

    Number of words checked: 1000.

    Number of errors: 4 minor, 2 major, 1 critical.

    Total mistake points: 4×1 + 2×3 + 1×10 = 20

    QI = (1 – 20/1000) × 100 = 0,98 × 100 = 98

    According to the XTRF's default ratings, QI 98 equals Medium Quality: needs numerous changes. Therefore, the evaluation rating will be 3 stars
    Table of Contents

    A Smart project's page consists of several cards arranged in logical order. Here you can check, change, and add the project details, as well as manage the whole localization process.

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    • At the top of the page, you will see the project’s ID and name:

      • To change the project’s name, click on it and provide a new name.

      • You can’t change the project’s ID; however, you can change the way the projects are numbered in XTRF. To learn how to do that, see the Templates - Numbering Schemes article.

      • To delete or archive the project, click the (blue star) icon.


    You can change the name only for projects with Requested and Open status.

    • If the project has issues that need to be addressed, a special warning will appear.

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    • To navigate the project, use the sidebar on the left.

    • In the project side panel on the right, you can:

      • Change the project’s status (see the expand below).

      • Start jobs (available when all the listed requirements are met).

      • Send project confirmation to the client (available only after you have added the receivables).

      • Add categories to the project. To learn more about categories, see the Configure system values - Categories article.

      • Leave feedback about the project management in XTRF.

    Smart project statuses and available actions

    In Smart projects, statuses are linked to the possible actions that can be selected in the status bar at the top of the right-hand side panel.

    Statuses and actions.pngImage Added
    titleClick to check the available actions




    • Mark as Open

    • Cancel Project


    • Cancel Project


    No actions available


    No actions available

    Order card

    Some fields of the Order card are already filled with the information you provided while creating the project. However, you may add more details:

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    • Select or change the Client.
      (info) Changing the service is possible until you start the project or send a project confirmation.

    • Select or change the Service.
      (info) Changing the client is possible until you close the project or create a client invoice in Ready status.

    • Enter the Client Deadline.

    • Provide the Client Reference Number - a PO number or any reference number on the client side.

    • (Recommended) Provide the volume of the source file(s) to establish the duration of the translation, proofreading, and other steps in the process.
      (info) If you provide the source volume, you can use the Automatic Job Dates feature to schedule the jobs. To learn more about this automation, see the Smart automations- Automatic Job Dates article.

    • In the Client Notes field, check the notes provided by the client on the Client Portal while creating a quote or a project. You can also enter additional information passed by the client (such as special instructions, etc.) here.

    • In the Internal Notes field, provide the information that isn't relevant for the client but is important for internal staff.

    If the client is marked as a permanent non-payer, you will see a warning on the Order card.

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    Languages card

    In this card, you can define the project’s language pairs.

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    The source language can't be changed in projects with Started status, but you can still add new target languages. To delete target languages in a Started project, you should revert all related jobs to Open. You can’t change languages in Closed or Canceled projects.

    Specialization can be changed until the project is Closed or Canceled. Changes in the project’s specialization will be reflected in a linked quote.


    Changing the Specialization after defining payables or receivables may result in applying incorrect rates. After you change the project’s specialization, always check if the data in the Finance card is correct.

    Process card

    In this card, you can manage the project’s crucial information: the sequence of steps included in the process, job dates, statuses, and assigned vendors.

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    The Process card consists of one or several steps arranged in a sequence. For projects with several target languages, you can enable automatic job splitting (described below in the Process card section). In this case, steps will display the number of included jobs, their status, and assigned vendors.

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    In the Process card, you can:

    • Start the process by clicking the Start … Job(s) button.

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    Only the first jobs in the process with Accepted status can be started from the Process card. The following jobs can be started automatically (see the Process Designer article) or manually in the step side panel (see the Step side panelexpand below).

    • Execute job-related actions. Select the job card and click the Job Actions drop-down menu to see available actions. Job actions are described in the Jobs card section of this article.

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    • Select another process template. Click the Change Process button and select another process from the drop-down menu. To learn more about process templates, see the Projects and Quotes > Process Templates (Smart) article.

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    If you change the process, all the step-related data will be lost.


    Process templates can be swapped only in projects with no started jobs or initiated synchronization (for CAT tool integrations).

    • Edit the process for the project. Click the Edit Process button in the top left-hand corner of the card. You will be directed to the Process Designer page. For more details, see the Process Designer article.


    The process can’t be changed when its status is Closed or Canceled or at least one job is already invoiced.


    If you want to change the process on the template level, go to (blue star) Configuration Menu > Projects and Quotes > Process Templates (Smart). To learn more about changing templates, see the Projects and Quotes - Process Templates (Smart) article.

    • Filter jobs by languages. Click the (blue star) icon and then select the language in question from the drop-down menu.

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    • Enable and disable the Automated Jobs Splitting. Click the (blue star) icon. The Automation Configuration pop-up window appears. Select the step types you want to be automatically split for different languages and switch the Off/On button. You can also check what other automations are available and where to enable them. To learn more about automations, see the Smart automations article.

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    • Expand the Process card by clicking the (blue star) icon.

    • Open the step side panel by clicking on the job’s card in the process. If you have several jobs in one step, the list of jobs will be displayed on the right-hand side. Click on the job to see its details and settings. For more details, see the Step side panel expand below. To learn more about steps, see the Projects and Quotes - Process Steps (Smart) article.

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    When you open the step side panel from the Process card, the jobs in question automatically become selected in the Jobs card.

    • For one-job steps, provide dates and select vendors directly on the step cards.

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    • Click the Select Dates button and provide the planned start and deadline dates.

    • To select a specific vendor, click the Select Vendor button. The Select Vendor pop-up window appears with Job Type, Source Language, Target Language, and Specialization filters preselected according to the details of the job. You may narrow down the list of vendors using other filters as well. Click on the selected vendor and then click the Select Vendor button at the bottom of the pop-up.

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      (blue star) This pop-up shows the vendor’s different price profiles. To display the vendor’s rates, in the Calculation Unit filter, select the calculation unit set in vendors' price profiles.

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      (blue star) To switch to the Vendor Workload view, click the (blue star) icon in the top right-hand corner. To learn more about this view, see the Smart views - Vendor Workload viewarticle.

    • To send job offers to several vendors, click the (blue star) icon > Send Job Offers. The Send Job Offers pop-up window appears.

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      • For the automatic vendor selection (default setting), select the rule from the Select Vendors According to Rule drop-down list. To learn more about vendor selection rules, see the Projects and Quotes - Vendor Selection Rules (Smart) article.

      • For the manual vendor selection, click the Select Vendors Manually radio button and then click the Add Vendor(s) button. The Select Vendor pop-up window appears, where you can select vendors to send job offers to.

      • Click the E-mail Preview button to preview and edit the message that will be sent to vendors.

      • Click the Send Job Offers to send e-mails to the selected vendors.

    • To send advanced job offers through the Job Offers app, click the (blue star) icon > Send Advanced Job Offers.


    To learn more about job offers, see the Job Offers section in the XTRF UserEcho Knowledge base. To lean more about the Job Offers app, see the XTRF Guide to Job Offers App article.

    Step side panel

    titleStep side panel

    Several settings of the step side panel are available only for jobs with Open status.

    In this panel, you can:

    • On top of the panel, change the job status by selecting one from the drop-down list. The available actions will differ depending on the job’s actual status.

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    • Mark as accepted

    • Cancel job


    • Start Job

    • Revert to Open

    • Cancel Job

    Accepted (Invoiced)

    • Start Job

    • Revert to Open

    • Cancel Job


    • Mark as ready

    • Mark as accepted

    • Cancel job


    • Revert to started


    • Revert to Open

    • In the Language section, you can change the job language (only the languages selected in the Language card are available).

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    • In the Vendor section, select or change the vendor. For open jobs with defined languages and dates, you can also send job offers.

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    • In the Dates section, select or change the planned start and deadline dates.

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    • In the Time Tracking section, check the estimated and actually spent time for the job. The estimated time is based on the vendor’s productivity set either globally in the job description (see the System Values: Advanced - Job Types article) or individually in the vendor’s price profile (see the Vendor profile - Competencies & Rates tab article).

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      By clicking the Loggedlink, you can see the details of the logged time.

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    You can see the logged time only for vendors that are allowed to log time in the Vendor Portal. To change this setting, go to (blue star) Configuration Menu > Portals > Vendor Portal > Job Manager settings.

    • In the Communication section, add instructions to all jobs included in this project or this job only, and check if the vendor has left any notes about the job.

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    • In the Volume section, check the job volume in source words. Volume is the same for all jobs and can be changed in the Order card.

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    • In the Finance section, check the project’s total cost calculated based on the payables from the Finance card.

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    • In the Purchase Order section, edit, send, or preview the purchase order to the assigned vendor. If an order was already sent, you would see the status Sent and the date of the sending.

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    • In the Files section, check the work and reference files for this job, share additional files with this vendor, and add files or links for the files delivered in this job.

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      Note: The Share files option may be useful in case you want to share with the vendor some files that were uploaded in the Files card and are not classified as work or reference files.

    • In the File Flow section, check where this job receives files from and delivers them to.

    Jobs card

    This card provides a detailed overview of all jobs in the project and allows the execution of job-related actions.

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    In the Jobs card, you can:

    • Execute several job actions. Check the box(es) in the first column and open the Job Actions drop-down menu. The list of available actions will depend on the job status and provided job details. For example, you can’t delete or send offers for an Accepted job or send a purchase order for a job without payables.

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      From the Job Actions menu, you can:

      • Select a vendor (this action is described in the Process card above).

      • Send job offers (this action is described in the Process card above).

      • Send advanced job offers through the Job Offers app (see the XTRF Guide to Job Offers App article).

      • Select the planned start and deadline dates.

      • Shift the planned start and deadline dates (to be available soon).

      • Share files with selected jobs. The Share Files with… pop-up window appears. Select the necessary files, and with the radio button, decide whether you want to share them as work or reference files. Click the Share Files button.

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      • Stop sharing files with selected jobs. The Stop Sharing files with… pop-up window appears. Select the files you don’t want to share with this job and click the Stop Sharing Files button.

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      • Send purchase orders for the selected jobs.

      • Edit and send the e-mail that goes with the purchase order. The E-mail Test pop-up window appears, where you can edit the e-mail content.

      • Preview the purchase order.

      • Split one job into several. The Split job pop-up window appears, where you can select the splitting principle.
        Note: For jobs with a single language combination, only the third option is available.

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      • Delete the job.

    • Enable the Automatic Job Dates and Automatic PO Sending automations. Click the (blue star) icon in the card’s top right-hand corner. The Automation Configuration pop-up window appears.

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      • Switch the Off/On button to enable or disable the automation.

      • For Automatic Job Dates, provide the minimum job duration.

      • For Automatic PO Sending, select when to send the purchase order with the radio button. Uncheck the Send PO to external (non-in-house) vendors only to send PO to all types of vendors.

      • Click the Apply changes button.
        To learn more about automations, see the Smart automations article.

    • Switch to the Schedule view, which allows you to preview and modify jobs on the timeline. Click on the (blue star) icon and select Schedule from the drop-down menu.

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      • Click the Zoom icons to change the default weekly view to the monthly or daily view.

      • Check the Hide weekends box to display only working days. You can decide whether weekends should be considered as working days in the (blue star) Configuration menu > Clients and Vendors > Vendor Settings > Availability tab.

      • Check the Show only office hours box to hide the non-working hours. To set office hours for vendors, go to the (blue star) Configuration menu > Clients and Vendors > Vendor Settings > Availability tab.

      • Drag and drop the job blocks to change the start date.

      • Click on the job block side borders and move the cursor to extend or shorten the job duration.

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      • Expand the Jobs card by clicking the (blue star) icon.

    • Open the step side panel by clicking on the selected job. The step side panel is described in the Process card - Step side panel section of this article.

    The jobs are marked with different colors according to their status:

    • Open

    • Accepted

    • Started

    • Ready

    • Canceled

    The same color marking is applied in the Process card and step side panels.


    Jobs with some issues, such as start delays or overlappings, are marked with the (warning) sign. Hover over this sign to see what the issue is.

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    Files card

    This card allows you to manage project files: manually uploaded documents and links to external resources.

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    In the Files card, you can:

    • Execute several file actions. Check the box(es) in the first column and open the File Actions drop-down menu. The list of available actions will depend on the status of the related jobs. For example, you can’t edit properties of files that are shared with the jobs with Ready or Canceled status.

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      From the File Actions menu, you can:

      • Send files to the client in a zip package. The E-mail Test pop-up window appears, where you can edit the message to the client and attach additional files. To send all the files, uncheck all the boxes and click the Send All Files to Client button that appears in the menu.

      • Share file(s) with jobs. The Share … with Jobs pop-up window appears, where you can select jobs to share the file with and the file category.

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      • Stop sharing file(s) with jobs. The Stop Sharing… with Jobs pop-up window appears, where you can select jobs you want to unshare the file with.

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      • Edit file properties. The Edit Properties for …pop-up window appears, where you can change the file’s category and languages.

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      • Download the selected files.

      • Delete the selected files.

    • Filter the files. Click the (blue star) icon and use the filters that appear on top of the files list.

    • Enable or disable Automatic CAT Analyses and Automatic Files Delivery automations. Click the (blue star) icon in the card’s top right-hand corner. The Automation Configuration pop-up window appears.

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      • Switch the Off/On button to enable or disable the automation.

      • For Automatic Files Delivery, select when the files should be delivered (you can select more than one option) and select which documents should be delivered from the drop-down list.

      • Click the Apply changes button.
        To learn more about automations, see the Smart automations article.

    • Change the number of displayed files. Click the (blue star) icon and then select the desired number.

    Finance card

    This card contains all of the project’s financial information divided into 6 tabs.

    From any tab, you can enable the Automatic Receivables and Automatic Payables automations. For details, see the Use CAT analyses to define payables and receivables guide.

    Overall tab

    This tab displays the project's overall profitability, along with the margin and ROI. For multilingual projects, click the Show Finance by Languages link to display the financial data for each language pair separately.

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    Receivables tab

    In this tab, you can check, add, and edit project receivables.

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    To learn more about adding receivables, see the Add a receivable guide.

    After you have added one or several receivables, they will be displayed in the Receivables tab.

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    • Check the receivables summary in the overview section. Here you can:

    • Check the receivable details in the receivables list and Receivable Display Panel below. To edit a receivable, click the (blue star) icon

    Payables tab

    In this tab, you can check, add, and edit project payables.

    Image Added

    To learn more about adding payables, see the Add a payable guide.


    Don’t forget to add payables to all the jobs and language pairs included in the process.

    After adding one or several payables, they will be displayed on the jobs subpages in the Payables tab. You can have several payables for one job (for example, if different translators perform the translation).

    Image Added
    • Check the job payables summary in the overview section. Here you can:

      • Add discounts or surcharges to all job payables at once in the Discount/Surcharge section.

      • Unselect the Auto-calculate Total Cost box and provide the desired sum in the Total Cost section.To change the default setting of this checkbox, go to the(blue star) Configuration menu > Projects and Quotes > Settings > Finance tab.

    • Check the payable details in the payables list and Payables Display Panel below. To edit a payable, click the (blue star) icon

    Rates tab

    In this tab, you can check and change the client’s and vendor’s price profiles used to calculate this project's finances.

    Image Added

    To select another price profile, click on a drop-down menu.


    You can’t change the price profile for vendors assigned to non-open jobs.

    Invoicing Terms tab

    In this tab, you can check and change the invoicing terms for clients and vendors.

    In the Client Invoicing section, you can:

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    • Decide whether the task is Invoiceable.

    • Uncheck the Use Default box to provide a custom Invoice Expected Date, and select the Payment Terms and Tax Rate.

    • Check the Payment Status.

    • Add a client invoice.

    • Check the Currency Exchange Rate.

    In the Vendor Invoicing section, you can:

    Image Added
    • Decide whether the task is Invoiceable or whether this should depend on vendor profile settings.

    • Uncheck the Use Invoicing Details from Vendor Profile box to provide a custom Invoice Expected Date, andselect the Payment Terms and Tax Rate.

    • Check the Payment Status.

    • Check the Currency Exchange Rate.


    To learn more about invoicing, see the Invoicing module article.

    Prepayment tab

    In this tab, you can add and manage a project prepayment,

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    To learn how to add prepayments, see the Add a prepayment guide.

    After adding the prepayment, you can:

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    To learn more about invoicing and payments, see the Invoicing module article.

    People card

    In this card, you can check and change information about all people involved in the project. Most fields are filled in automatically, but you can change the selection as long as the project or a job is open.

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    Project Responsible Persons

    • Sales Person is imported from the client’s profile Main data tab > Sales data subtab.

    • Project Manager is assigned according to the rule from Automatic People Assignments automation (see the Smart automations - Automatic People Assignments article).

    • Account Manager is imported from the client’s profile Main data tab > Sales data subtab.

    • Project Coordinator is imported from the client’s profile Main data tab > Sales data subtab.


    Note: The Account Manager Responsible and Project Coordinator Responsible fields in the client’s profile are hidden by default. To unhide them, go to the (blue star) Configuration menu > General Configuration > Hidden Fields.

    Client Contact Persons

    • Main Contact is either the person who requested the project on the Client Portal or the client’s default contact person (for the projects created on the Home Portal).
      (info) The default contact person can be set for each price profile (see the Clients module - Client profile - Rates tab article).

    • Additional Contacts are to be entered manually on the project level. They will be included in CC in all the XTRF-to-client e-mail notifications concerning this project.

    Vendor Contact Persons

    Vendors and their contacts are listed per language. If a vendor has no contact person, they could be added directly from this card.

    Quality Assurance card

    In this card, you can check the feedback on the quality of translation, complaints from the client, and client satisfaction survey results.

    Feedback tab

    In this tab, you can check and edit the feedback left by the client on the Client Portal or add your own.

    Image Added

    All the feedback for this project will be displayed in the Feedback Report table. To check the feedback report details, click on its line in the table. To edit the feedback, click the (blue star) icon.

    Client Satisfaction tab

    In this tab, you can send a satisfaction survey to your client and check its results after the project is closed.

    Image Added
    • Remove unwanted survey questions by clicking the (blue star) icon. To change or add the questions, go to (blue star) Configuration menu > Clients and Vendors > Client Settings > Satisfaction Survey tab.

    • Click the (blue star) icon to edit the e-mail message sent with the survey.

    • Click the Send Survey to Client button.

    After the client completes the survey, its results will be displayed in the tab.

    Image Added

    In case the survey wasn’t conducted through the Home Portal, you can enter the results manually.

    To erase the survey results, click the Clear Survey button.


    This feature is included in Professional and Ultimate XTRF Plans.  

    Job Evaluation tab

    In this tab, you can see the results of the vendor evaluation. It can be performed by either a PM on the Home Portal or another vendor on the Vendor Portal after the job is completed.

    Vendor evaluation option is job-related and can be enabled in the Process Designer (see the Job configuration side panel section - Allow the vendor to evaluate the previous step), or Process Template Designer (see Step f.).

    Image Added

    There are two types of evaluation: a 5 or 10-point scale rating and a LISA evaluation.


    To switch between the 5 and 10-point scale, go to (blue star) Configuration menu > Clients and Vendors > Vendor Settings > Evaluation tab.

    To evaluate the vendor’s work, select the job in question in the left-hand side menu.

    • For a regular evaluation, click on the stars in the Evaluation section. You may also provide comments in the Internal Feedback section.

    • To activate LISA evaluation, click the Add LISA Evaluation button.


    After you click the Add LISA Evaluation button, you can’t change the rating in the Evaluation section. After you click the Apply LISA Evaluation button, it will be automatically recalculated according to the LISA evaluation.

    You can manually provide the LISA evaluation on the Home Portal or let the following vendor evaluate the preceding job on the Vendor Portal. For details, see the Add a LISA evaluation guide.


    Vendors can only evaluate other vendors' jobs if the Allow the vendor selected in this step to evaluate box is checked in the Evaluation section of the Process Designer (see the Process Designer article).

    The results of the LISA evaluation will appear under the regular evaluation section.

    • Click the Preview LISA Evaluation link to open the evaluation as a PDF document.

    • Click the Apply LISA Evaluation button to update the vendor’s evaluation accordingly.

    History card

    In this card, you can check all the major changes made to the project.

    Click the Show History button. The History pop-up window will appear.

    Use the filters on top to find specific changes.


    This feature is available for Professional, Ultimate and Enterprise XTRF Plans. Additional charges may apply. Please contact our Help Desk or your Regional Growth Manager for more information.