Add a receivable

Add a receivable

Task receivables can be added in Classic and Smart projects and quotes and workflow definitions.

  1. Click the Add Receivable button. The Task Receivable pop-up window appears.

    Task Receivable.png
  2. Select the Receivable Type.

  3. Select the correct Job Type. To learn more about job types, see the Job Types article.
    The job type of the receivable may or may not correlate with the jobs included in the process. One receivable can cover the whole process, or you can create several receivables for each step and language pair.

  4. Select the Calculation Unit that will be used to calculate the total value of the task.
    If the client has a price profile and rates that match the project data, the Rate Value and Minimum Charge sections will be filled automatically. Otherwise, you have to fill them in manually.

  5. Provide the Quantity of the selected calculation units. You can import the quantity if you have other receivables or payables already defined.

    Task Receivable 1.png
  6. In the Rate Origin section, check if the rates were taken from the correct source.

  7. (Optional) If you want to add a surcharge or discount to the receivable, click the Edit button in the Discount / Surcharge section. The Discounts/Surcharges pop-up window appears:

    1. With the Application mode radio buttons, select the way the discount/surcharge will be applied:

      • First sum up then apply - the values of all discounts/surcharges are first summed up and then applied once.
        For example, a vendor earns $500 and has a 10% discount and a 5% surcharge. When the discount and surcharge are added, the result would be a 5% discount. The 5% discount would then be applied to $500, and the vendor will receive $475.

      • Apply one by one - each value of the discount/surcharge is applied separately.
        For example, a vendor earns $500 and has a 10% discount and a 5% surcharge. The 10% discount is applied to $500, with the result being $450. The 5% surcharge is then applied to $450; the vendor will receive $472.50. The overall discount is 5.5%.

      • Manual - you manually provide the value of the discount/surcharge.

    2. In the Edit section, select the available discounts and surcharges from the Add... drop-down list. To learn how to add discounts and surcharges to the system, see the Add a discount or surcharge article.

    3. Click the Save button.

  8. (Optional) Provide additional information about the receivable in the Description field.

  9. Check the sum in the Total Value section.

  10. Click the Save button to add the receivable.


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