Add a credit note

Add a credit note

By default, in XTRF, credit notes can be used for:

  • correcting an invoicing mistake.

  • making a refund.

  • providing a post-sale discount.

  1. Go to the Invoicing module → Client Invoices tab, select the checkbox for a Sent invoice(s) in question, and click the Issue a Credit Note button that appears on top of the invoices table.
    Alternatively, open a Sent invoice in edit mode and click the Issue a Credit Note button in the Type section.
    The Issue a Credit Note pop-up window appears.

    Credit Note0.png


  2. From the Reason for Correction drop-down list, select the reason for issuing a credit note:

  3. Select the type of correction:

    • Change Quantity of all Invoice Items to 0 for a full refund.

      • (Optional) Check the Unlock Tasks to use on new invoice box so you can invoice the task again.

    • Change Rate of Invoice Items by % of their value for a partial refund.

      1. Provide the percentages of the discount or surcharge.

      2. (Optional) Check the Update also rate of all Task Receivables box to apply the percentage change to the task receivables.

    • Change manually to create a fully editable credit note without pre-defined data.

  4. Click the Proceed button. You will be directed to the newly created credit note page.

  5. Check if the credit note details are correct and make the necessary changes. For more details, see the https://help.xtm.cloud/xtrf/home-portal/modules/en/client-invoice-page.html article.

When you issue a credit note, the original invoice gets partially locked for editing, and you can’t change its status until the credit note is either sent or deleted.

You can issue only one credit note per invoice. You can’t issue a credit note for another credit note.


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