Change the source of currency exchange rates

Change the source of currency exchange rates


XTRF has been integrated with Open Exchange Rates and can pull 158 currency exchange rates. Alternatively, there are 2 other options: European Central Bank (32 currencies) and Narodowy Bank Polski (National Bank of Poland) (36 currencies).


To change the source of the exchange rates, perform the following steps:

  1. Go to the Configuration menu → Integration → Periodic Jobs.

  2. Locate the Currency exchange rates synchronization periodic job.

  3. Click the icon in the Stop column.

Locate periodic job.png
  1. Click the icon that appears in the Edit column. You will be directed to the Periodic Job page.

  2. In the Job Configuration section, select the required source from the Source of Data dropdown.

  1. (Optional) If necessary, make other changes to this periodic job. For details, see the Add a periodic job guide.

  2. Click the Run Periodically button at the bottom of the page.

The predefined Currency exchange rates synchronization is triggered daily on workdays after midnight server time.

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