Client contact person profile

Client contact person profile


To enter the client contact person’s profile, go to the Clients module → Contacts tab. Alternatively, you can enter the contact person’s name into the search field in the top menu bar.

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In the contact person profile, you can check and manage the contact person’s details. The most important information is presented on the card at the top of the page.

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Main data tab

In this tab, you can provide the details about this contact person. Some fields are already filled with the information provided during the creation of this contact person. Some dates are provided automatically. Other fields are optional.

If a contact person is associated with a company with several offices, you can assign this contact person to another office(s). To do so, click the Change button in the Client section.

Most fields are the same as in the Client profile’s Identification data subtab and Sales data subtab. However, some fields are specific:

  • In the Department field, provide the name of the client’s company department this contact person is working in.

  • In the Position field, select this person’s position in a company.

  • Check the Disallow CRM E-mails box if the contact person doesn’t want to receive CRM e-mails.

Social Media tab

In this tab, you can list additional communication canals for a contact person.

  • Click the Add Social Medium button to add a client’s account on Facebook, LinkedIn, Skype, etc.

  • If you add several accounts, you can set the preferred one with the Preferred radio button.

  • You can also add a client’s photo by clicking on the Upload image file button.

Mailing Address tab

By default, this tab is filled with the information from the associated client’s profile. To change the data, uncheck the Use Partner Address box and manually fill in the address details.

Account Data tab

In this tab, you can grant the contact person access to the Client Portal by checking the Client Portal Access Allowed box.

The Last Login Date and Last Failed Login Date fields are filled automatically.

If you allow this contact person to access the Client Portal, additional fields appear.

In the Manage section, you can:

  • Select the access rights for this contact person from the drop-down list:

    • Only related quotes/projects - grants access only to the quotes and projects from the contact person's default office, where this person is selected as the contact person.

    • Department - grants access to all quotes and projects from the contact person's department.

    • Default office - grants access to all quotes and projects from the contact person's default office.

    • All selected offices - grants access to all quotes and projects from all offices selected for this contact person.
      To learn more about offices, see the Manage client's offices guide.

  • With the radio button set, whether this contact person will be able to accept and reject quotes.

  • Click Send Welcome E-mail to invite this contact person to the Client Portal.

  • Click Send Password Reset E-mail to send a message with a password resetting temporary link.
    The link is valid only for one hour.

  • In the access table, specify this contact person's rights on the Client Portal. Check or uncheck the desired boxes to allow or deny access to the data.

Contact person’s rights depend on the associated client’s rights. Therefore, if a client is not allowed to add quotes, you can’t grant this right to their contact person.

Preferences tab

In this tab, you can set data format preferences for a contact person if they differ from those for the client.

  • With the radio button, switch between the Main Account Values and User-defined Values columns.

  • After switching to the User-defined Values column, you will be able to provide new formats according to this user’s preferences.

  • In the Format Previews column, you can check how the data will be presented to this user.

  • Click the advanced link to open additional fields.

CRM tab

In the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tab, you can create, plan, and review CRM-related actions concerning this contact person. To learn more about CRM, see the Client profile | CRM tab article.

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