General configuration
This section is a part of the Configuration menu. Access to this section may be restricted by Home Portal administrators.
The changes in the configuration menu settings will affect all XTRF users and, therefore, should be well considered.
Some settings depend on the selected XTRF plan and thus might be unavailable for some clients.
In the General Configuration section, you can set and manage some of the general system settings.
Administrator tab
In this tab, you can check the information about the ‘admin’ account.
For more details, click the Show administrator account link. You will be directed to the admin’s user page in the User Management > Users section.
E-mail tab
In this tab, you can configure your outgoing e-mail service used for sending notifications to the Home Portal users, clients, and vendors.
Number and Date Formatting tab
In this tab, you can set the preferred number and date formats for the Home Portal.
Set the desired formats in the corresponding sections.
On the right-hand side, check how the selected format will be displayed in the system.
Hover over the icons to display additional information about the settings.
Click the advanced link to set how the time zones will be displayed in XTRF. Additional fields will appear.
Select the Main Time Zone. If your XTRF server is hosted in another time zone, the system time may not match your local time. You can decide which of these will be set as main: the System Time (your server time) and User Time (time in your location).
If you set the User Time Zone as a default one, the time zone in the users' accounts also needs to be set correctly to avoid the situation when the same time is displayed twice on the user's screen. To learn how to do this, see the Edit a user profile guide.
Depending on your choice in the Main Time Zone section, the next section would be Display User Time or Display System Time. Select whether you want to display the other time zone next to the main one.
In the next section, set the format for displaying the additional time zone.
To hide those fields, click the basic link.
Click the Restore Defaults button to go back to the system’s default formatting.
Defaults tab
In this tab, you can edit the default system settings for the Home Portal.
In the Finance section, you can set:
Base System Calculation Unit used across the system i. a. to calculate the receivables and payables.
Default CAT Calculation Unit used while adding receivables and payables for projects and quotes where the values are calculated based on CAT analyses.
Default CAT Job Type used while creating projects and quotes integrated with an external CAT tool.
Base System Currency used in the calculations done by the system:
The exchange rates calculations will be based on the selected currency.
The values in other currencies can automatically be converted into this currency, depending on the view settings.
The base system currency will be used as the default currency for the vendors and clients added through the Import option.
Rounding Policy used to round the rates in payables or receivables. This policy will be applied to round up rates for all your partners, clients, and vendors. To learn more, see the Rounding policy expand below.
Fiscal Year Starts. If the fiscal year in your country or company doesn’t start in January, select the appropriate month from the drop-down list.
If you would like to automatically change the numbering of your invoices at the beginning of the fiscal year, update the appropriate scheme in the Templates > Numbering Schemes section.
Rounding policy
In the Exchange Rate Configuration section below, you can check or change the rules of applying the exchange rates to different entities.
From the drop-down lists for different actions, select the desired rule. The possible options are:
Use new exchange rate (i. e. the rate from the day of the action).
Copy exchange rate from the quote task / job (i. e., the same rate that was applied when creating a quote).
Update exchange rate using invoice date (i.e., the rate will be the one from the day of the invoice).
Do not update exchange rate.
In the Files section below, you can:
(For on-premise clients) Provide patterns of files that should be excluded while unpacking ZIP files uploaded to the XTRF. By default, the following files are excluded:
.*__MACOSX.* : Folder created for the ZIP files in Mac OS X.
.*[Tt]humbs.db : Thumbs.db files created in Windows OS.
Use the semicolon to separate the patterns.
Select the separators of CSV files for export an import.
Select the default encoding of CSV and ZIP files that will allow to process those files correctly.
We recommend using the UTF-8 encoding.
In the Other section below, you can:
Set the Default System Language for the system interface.
Users can set their own language preferences in the My Account > Main Settings tab (see the Top menu bar - My account - Main Settings tab article).(For on-premise only) Check the Validate Postal Address Format box to make the address fields in vendor and client profiles mandatory.
The mandatory fields may vary between different countries.
Dashboard tab
In this tab, you can configure some settings for the Classic Dashboard.
In the Coloring of statuses section, you can:
Decide on the color dependencies between jobs, tasks, and projects.
Decide which statuses should be marked with red or orange, and set the Staus Coloring Rule accordingly.
Check the Mark Closed, Ready, Sent and Canceled Statuses box to display those statuses in grey.
In the Sorting section below, you can select the rules for sorting projects, tasks, and jobs.
The possible options are:
Nearest Task Deadline
Order of Adding
Workflow step
Uncheck the Ascending Sort box to change the sorting order to descending.
In the Project Tree section below, you can configure how the projects will be displayed on the dashboard.
Check the Expand All by Default box to show all tasks and jobs on the dashboard.
Check the Separate Projects with Thick Line box to separate the projects more noticeably.
To add a custom column to the dashboard, click the Add button on top of the Virtual Entity Names table. You will be directed to the Custom Column page (see the Add a custom column guide).
The added virtual entities will be displayed in the Virtual Entity Names table.
In the Rights section below, you can decide which projects and tasks will be displayed on the user’s dashboards. Check the Show Only Logged-in User’s Projects and Tasks box so each Home Portal user can see only their projects and tasks.
CRM tab (for Classic projects only)
In this tab, you can manage the notifications for project managers and sales persons.
Check the Show Notifications Pop-Up box to allow the pop-up notifications on the Home Portal.
To activate notifications for specific events, select Yes from the drop-down lists. Two additional fields will appear.
Select the desired Notification Type - E-mail or Pop-up.
From the Remind drop-down list, select the desired time period.
Click the Add button.
Click the Save button.
Paths and URLs tab (for on-premise clients )
In this tab, you can check or change the URLs of your XTRF Platform, the path to the System Home Directory, and provide a custom URL for your Main Page.
History tab
In this tab, you can decide on the scope and settings of the History feature.
In the History scope section, select the components for which the history of changes should be recorded and displayed on the Home Portal. Double-click on the component to move it to the Selected Items or Available Items list. Also, you can select a component and click the Add or Remove buttons to move it between the lists.
From the Keep History for drop-down list, select the time period for which the history should be kept. The available periods are:
one month
three month
six month
one year.
(For on-premise clients) Click the Purge history button to remove all history entries.
Debug tab (for on-premise clients)
In this tab, you can enable the debug logging for support purposes.
In this subsection, you can browse your company’s branches, add and edit information about them.
In the Branches table, you can see the current branches listed on the Home Portal.
You can change or edit the view (see the Classic views article).
Use the filters on the left to locate the desired branch.
Click the icon to edit the branch details.
Select one or several boxes in the left-hand column and click the icon. The action menu appears where you can:
Select or deselect all branches.
Activate or deactivate the selected branches.
Mark or unmark the selected branches as preferred.
Custom Fields and Columns
Custom Fields tab
In this tab, you can browse, add, and edit additional fields that can store non-standard information. You can create custom fields for different areas of the Home Portal.
Change or edit the view in the View drop-down menu (for more details, see the Smart views article).
Use the filters on top of the custom fields table to locate the desired field.
To add a new custom field, click the Add Custom Field button in the top right-hand corner.
To edit the selected field, click the icon.
To delete a custom field, check its box in the left-hand column and click the Delete button that appears on top of the table.
Custom Columns tab
In this tab, you can browse, add, and edit non-standard columns for different areas of the Home Portal.
Change or edit the view in the View drop-down menu (for more details, see the Smart views article).
Use the filters on top of the custom columns table to locate the desired column.
To add a new custom column, click the Add Custom Field button in the top right-hand corner.
To edit the selected column, click the icon.
To delete a custom column, check its box in the left-hand column and click the Delete button that appears on top of the table.
Select one or several boxes in the left-hand column
Field Layout tab
In this tab, you can decide in what order and which tabs and groups the custom fields will appear in the particular areas of the Home Portal (for more details, see the Add a custom field guide).
Hidden Fields
In this subsection, you can decide which non-crucial fields should be hidden on the Home Portal. The hidden fields are displayed in the Selected Items list.
Check the fields hidden by default in the Selected Items list.
To hide another field, double-click on it in the Available Items or select it and click the Add button.
To display a hidden field, double-click on in in the Selected Items or select it and click the Remove button
In this section, you can customize the branding of your XTRF portals.
Logo tab
In this tab, you can upload a custom logo image. It will appear on all login pages, the Client Portal header, and your PDF documents.
Home Portal tab
In this tab, you can set the appearance of your Home Portal.
In the Background section, you can set a custom background:
In the Favicon section below, you can set a custom favicon icon:
In the Colors section below, you can set custom colors for the Top Navigation bar, Main Menu, and Main Components.
Vendor Portal tab
In this tab, you can set the appearance of your Vendor Portal as described in the Customize branding in XTRF guide.
Client Portal tab
In this tab, you can set the appearance of your Client Portal as described in the Customize branding in XTRF guide.
In this subsection, you can manage the views available in the system.
Change or edit the view in the View drop-down menu (see the Classic views article).
Use the filters on the left to locate the desired view.
Click the icon to edit the selected view. The View Editor window appears where you can:
⚬ Change the name of the view.
⚬ Select and organize columns in the Columns tab.
⚬ Apply filters in the Filter tab.
⚬ Share the view with groups in the Permissions tab.
Click the icon to delete the selected view.
Select one or several boxes in the left-hand column and click the icon. The action menu appears where you can:
Select or deselect all views.
Click the Take Over button to transfer the ownership of the selected views to yourself.
Delete the selected views.
Export the list of the selected views in an XML file.
In this section, you can check or change the default security settings in XTRF.
Session tab
In this tab, you can control the duration of the user sessions.
In the Session Timeout field, define the period of time after which the session expires. This setting applies to all portals.
In the Floating License Checkout Period field, define the period of time when a floating license user cannot be logged out from the session by another user. This setting applies to the Home Portal only.
Home Portal tab
In this tab, you can set authentication methods for the Home Portal users. You can use one or both available methods.
In the Sign-in Form section, you can enable or disable the sign-in form and set the required password strength - weak, medium, or strong.
In the Single Sign-On (SSO) section below, you can enable or disable SSO authentication for the Home Portal.
Vendor Portal tab
In this tab, you can set authentication methods for the Vendor Portal users as described in the Home Portal tab above. You can use one or both available methods.
Client Portal tab
In this tab, you can set authentication methods for the Client Portal users as described in the Home Portal tab above. You can use one or both available methods.
- 1 Introduction
- 2 Settings
- 2.1 Administrator tab
- 2.2 E-mail tab
- 2.3 Number and Date Formatting tab
- 2.4 Defaults tab
- 2.4.1 Rounding policy
- 3 Dashboard tab
- 4 Branches
- 5 Custom Fields and Columns
- 6 Hidden Fields
- 7 Branding
- 7.1 Logo tab
- 7.2 Home Portal tab
- 7.3 Vendor Portal tab
- 7.4 Client Portal tab
- 9 Security
- 9.1 Session tab
- 9.2 Home Portal tab
- 9.3 Vendor Portal tab
- 9.4 Client Portal tab