

This section is a part of the Configuration menu. Access to this section may be restricted by Home Portal administrators.


The changes in the configuration menu settings will affect all XTRF users and, therefore, should be well considered.

Some settings depend on the selected XTRF plan and thus might be unavailable for some clients.

Client Portal

In this section, you can configure the default settings for the Client Portal that will apply to all clients.

To configure client-specific settings, go to the selected client’s profile > Portal Settings tab (see the Portal Settings (Client Portal) article).

To apply the changes, click the Save button at the bottom of the page.

Make sure you are viewing this section in edit mode. If you can’t see the described fields or provide changes, click the Edit button at the bottom of the page.

  • With the Enabled checkbox, enable or disable the Client Portal.

  • In the Client Portal URL field, you can check the portal’s address.

  • Uncheck the Available Services, Available Specializations, and Available Languages boxes to select specific services, specializations, or languages.

    • If you uncheck any of those boxes, the Available Items and Selected Items lists will appear in the selected section. Double-click on an item in the Available Items list or select an item and click the Add button to add it to the Selected Items list. 

  • Uncheck the Show Information about Net Prices box to hide the Net Price field on the Client Portal.

  • Uncheck the Show Resources box to hide the Resource Files tab in the Projects module on the Client Portal.

  • Uncheck the Show Approximate File Statistics box to hide the File Statistics tab in the Request a quote and Launch a project pop-ups on the Client Portal.

  • (For Classic projects only) Check the Show Log Files box to make the CAT analysis files visible in the Resource Files tab in the Projects module on the Client Portal.

  • In the Disclaimer on Sign-in Page section, decide whether you want to add an informational disclaimer to the sign-in page. To change the disclaimer text, do the following:

    • For on-cloud XTRF, please contact our Help Desk.

    • For on-premise XTRF:

      1. Go to the XTRF hosting server and follow the /home-portal/resources/custom-localization/resources/ path.

      2. Locate the file for the desired language, e.g., custom_en_US.properties for English (US), custom_de.properties for German (DE), etc.

      3. Open the file and locate the key: customerPortal.loginPage.disclaimer.

      4. Edit the string after the equation mark.

      5. Save the file.

Default Settings for New Clients

In this section, you can decide whether you want the new clients to get access to the Client Portal by default.

You can also manage Client Portal access for specific clients in the Client profile > Main Data tab > System Accounts subtab or in the client groups settings (see the Client Groups and Rights section of this article).

Landing Card

In this section, you can customize the card that appears at the top of the Client Portal dashboard page.

  • In the Display Landing Card section, decide whether you want the landing card to appear on the Client Portal.

  • In the Title field, provide the card’s title.

  • In the Content field, provide the desired content.

The landing card will only be displayed if both title and content are provided.

Vendor Portal

In this section, you can configure the default settings for the Vendor Portal that will apply to all vendors.

To apply the changes, click the Save button at the bottom of the page.

Translation Agency section

In this section, you can set the company name that will appear on the Vendor Portal.

  • In the Name section, select whether you want to Use company name from license or provide another name that will be displayed on the top menu bar of the Vendor Portal.

  • In the Portal Name presented to Vendors field, check or change the name that will appear as the browser tab name for Vendor Portal.

Recruitment Contact

In this section, you can specify the person responsible for vendor recruitment.

  • From the Head Recruiter drop-down list, select a Home Portal user in charge of vendor recruitment.

  • To use the contact data from this user’s profile, check the Use Head Recruiter’s e-mail address and Use Head Recruiter’s phone number boxes. Otherwise, provide the contact data in the E-mail Address and Phone Number fields.

Recruitment Settings

In this section, you can configure different options and settings available on the Vendor Portal.

  • In the Cooperation Terms & Conditions section, upload the file with the terms of your contract with vendors. All the vendors will be required to accept those terms before registering on the Vendor Portal.

Vendors working in the Job Manager are not required to agree to those terms and conditions.

  • In the Services section, select which job types will be available as services on the Vendor Portal. By default, all the job types from the Configuration menu > System Values: Advanced > Job Types are added. You can delete the unwanted jobs or click the Clear button and select the desired jobs from the drop-down menu.

  • In the Areas of expertise section, select which specializations will be available as areas of expertise on the Vendor Portal. By default, all the specializations from the Configuration menu > System Values: Advanced > Specializations are added. Uncheck the unwanted specializations or click the None button and check the desired boxes.

Both services and areas of expertise can be used by vendors while adding rates on the Vendor Portal. All the vendor-provided rates will be sent for approval to the head recruiter specified in the Recruitment Contact section above. The approved rates will overwrite the rates specified in the vendor’s profile.

  • In the Rates section, allow or forbid the vendors to specify the minimum charge on the Vendor Portal.

  • In the Default currencies section, select the currencies that will be available on the Vendor Portal. By default, all the active currencies from the Configuration menu > System Values: Advanced > Currencies are added.

  • In the Define currencies for selected countries section, you can link countries with specific currencies. As a result, during the registration process, the currency will be assigned to a vendor based on their billing country.

    • To define the currencies, click the Add New button and select the desired country and currency from the drop-down lists.

  • In the Allow vendors to upload any files during the registration process section, you can decide whether you want to add the Upload CV and other relevant documentation section to the registration process. If you select Yes, the Text to be shown field will appear where you can provide a short description.

  • In the Set default vendor status after registration process section, select the status you want to assign to the newly registered vendors.

Privacy Settings

In this section, you can allow or forbid vendors to leave notes to other vendors. If you select Yes, an additional Notes for Other Vendors field will appear in the Notes section.

Additionally, you can allow vendors to see the project and client names. If you select Yes, this data will appear in the job description on the Vendor Portal.

This feature is optional. To enable it, please, contact our Help Desk or your Regional Growth Manager. 

Job Manager settings

In this section, you can configure some settings of the Job Manager space:

  • Allow vendors to access files after the job is completed or canceled.

  • Decide who can declare time spent on jobs:

    • Nobody

    • In-house vendors

    • All vendors

  • Select the Job Types for which the vendors will be allowed to declare the time spent.

  • Select the Calculation unit for payables based on the time spent.

Invoice settings

In this section, you can decide when the vendors can download your company’s invoices: never or when the invoice gets a specific status.

Vendor Profile Settings

In this section, you can select which changes in the vendor profile should be reviewed and accepted by the head recruiter specified in the Recruitment Contact section above.

To learn more about Vendor Portal and Job Manager, see the Vendor Portal and Job Manager articles.

Client Groups and Rights

In this section, you can manage access to the Client Portal areas for different client groups or specific clients.

Client groups1.png
  • To add a new client group, click the Add button. For more details, see the Add a client group guide.

  • Edit the default view or create a new one. To learn how to do that, see the Classic views article.

  • Use the filters on the left to narrow down your search.

  • Click on the selected client group line to open it. Click the icon to open it in edit mode.

  • Click the icon to delete a client group.

  • Check one or several boxes in the left column and click the icon in the header to open a drop-down menu of applicable actions:

    • Click the Duplicate button to create one or several client groups with the same settings. If you select one group, you will be directed to the newly created user group page (see the section). If you select several groups, the new user groups will appear on the list marked with numbers.

If a client’s contact person is assigned specific access rights in the Contact person profile > Account Data tab, a new group will automatically appear on the Group Rights list. This group’s name will consist of the related contact person’s name and client ID and will not be selectable in Client profile > Main Data tab > System Accounts tab > Access rights. To learn more about assigning rights to a client contact person, see the Account Data tab article.

Quote Request Form

In this section, you can manage a separate Quote Request Form outside the Client Portal. This form will be available on a separate page, so you can link it on your company’s site or send the link in an e-mail to potential clients.

For more details, see the Manage the Quote Request Form guide.

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