Configure the Work Log feature for Home Portal users

Configure the Work Log feature for Home Portal users


This article concerns the Work Log feature, to which additional charges may apply. Please contact our Support or your Regional Growth Manager for more information. 

The Work Log functionality allows you and other Home Portal users to record the time spent on various activities. XTRF Platform comes with a set of default activities and settings. However, some of the procedures performed in your company may not be covered by those default activities.

This guide will show you how to prepare a custom Home Portal activity, how to configure general work log settings, and how to grant users access to various activities.

To find the list of the default work log activities, go to the Configuration menu → System Values: Advanced → Work Log Activities.

I. Add a Work Log activity

  1. Sign in to the XTRF Home Portal.

  2. Go to the Configuration menu → System Values: Advanced → Work Log Activities.

  3. Click the Add button on top of the Work Log Activities table. You will be directed to the Add Work Log Activity page.

  4. In the Name field, provide the name of the new activity.

  5. With the Require Associating with System Area checkbox, decide whether users should select a specific entity (project, job, invoice, client, etc.) while logging time for this activity.

  6. Decide whether this activity should be Active and thus selectable.

  7. Decide whether this activity should be marked as a Preferred Item and thus appear on top of the drop-down lists.

  8. Decide whether this activity should be a Default one.

  9. Click the Save button.

You can also edit an existing activity. For more information, see the System Values: Advanced – Work Log Activities article.

II. Configure the Work Log settings

  1. Go to the Configuration menu → User Management → Work Log.

  2. Click the Edit button.

  3. In the General Settings tab:

    1. Enable the Time Tracking function that allows creating the work log. If the time tracking is enabled, the Log Work drop-down menu appears on the top menu bar (see the Work log menu article).

    2. Enable or disable the Automatic Time Logging function that captures the time spent by a user in the following modules: Clients, Vendors, Quotes, Projects, and Invoicing.

    3. Set the work day duration in the Business Hours per Day section.

    4. Set the Time Required to Determine that User is Offline.

e. For users that are performing in-house jobs, you can:

  • Decide whether you want to Automatically add and refresh payables for vendors linked with users.

  • Set the Default calculation unit for automatically added payables - 1, 4, or 8 hours.

  1. Click the Save button.

  2. In the User Groups Settings tab, you can assign work log activities to specific user groups.

    1. In each user group column, check the boxes for suitable activities.

    2. To assign an activity to every available group, click the Check all link below the activity name. To unassign an activity from every group, click the Uncheck all link.

    3. To exclude the whole group from the time tracking function, uncheck the Work log enabled box in the heading.

    4. Click the Save button.

III. Manage the Work Log entries

  1. Go to the Configuration menu → User Management → Work Log → Entries tab. Here you can view, edit and delete all work log entries captured automatically or declared manually by the users.

  2. To add a new entry, click the Add button on top of the Work Log Entries table. You will be directed to the Add Work Log Entries page.

  3. Select a User you want to add an entry for,

  4. Select the Date.

  5. Provide the Time spent on an activity.

  6. Select the Activity from the drop-down list. The list of available activities depends on the group this user belongs to (see the User Group Settings tab article).

  7. (Optional) Provide a Description.

  8. Click the Save button.