Locale: Creating a project for translation in Locale

Locale: Creating a project for translation in Locale


The Akeneo PIM connector with Locale aims to reduce the amount of manual project management and verification of tasks between your Akeneo data source, and your TMS, TBMS, or LSP. By enabling Locale’s Akeneo PIM connector in your Akeneo PIM instance, anytime a product is changed, updated, added or removed, Locale can ensure that the necessary localization steps are also applied to your products, automatically. Whether enabling access to your entire store, or only select components and segments, the Akeneo PIM connector is guaranteed to make the life of your localization teams that much easier.

What you will need to get started

  1. The Login link for Locale.

  2. The login link for your Akeneo PIM instance.

    1. Note: This is provided to you by your Akeneo account manager, support team, or contact person. If you are unsure of this information, please contact your system administrator or your Akeneo representative.

  3. User login information for both your Locale instance, and your Akeneo PIM instance.

    1. A trial account of Locale can also be taken for free by going to locale.to and selecting the “Get Started” button.

Creating a project for translation in Locale

To continue with this process, it is necessary to have the Akeneo PIM connector added and configured between your Akeneo PIM instance, and your Locale instance. If you have not completed this step yet, please see our article on Locale: Adding the Akeneo PIM Connector to your Akeneo PIM instance and Locale: Configuring the Akeneo PIM connector.

  1. To create a project in Locale, it is necessary to define the project criteria which will be required for our Akeneo PIM content. After setting up the Akeneo PIM connector in the steps linked above, our Locale instance should reflect a page that looks like the following where the selection of source and target languages is available. Choose the target languages for this project, and select next.

Creating 001.png
  1. The next window allows for the selection of a Language Tool. In the case of this example, we will use an MT engine. But this section may also include options like a TMS for content management, or the management of content to an LSP or even a TBMS (Plunet, Protemos, XTRF, etc.).

Creating 002.png
  1. Selecting “Add Project” will create the project and perform a calculation for the content in our Akeneo PIM which will be sent for translation.

    1. No further intervention by the user is needed at this stage, Locale will begin the analysis and calculation process automatically.

Creating 003.png

And present the result for translation to the user, automatically.

Creating 004.png
  1. Selecting the green “Push Content” button in the top right corner will display the analysis result to the user, and allow the content to be sent for machine translation, as selected by our language tool.

Creating 005.png
  1. Locale will ensure the content is sent for translation (In progress), processed correctly, and sent back to the Akeneo PIM instance, and placed into the product descriptions which before did not have Spanish or French localized content.

Creating 006.png
  1. After this is completed, the status for each language will change from “Incomplete” to “Completed” (as well as a reassuring “Translations complete 🤙“ message) and the Akeneo PIM instance will be completely localized into the selected target languages.

Creating 007.png
  1. An example of translated content from the process above is an article of Rope which previously did not have localized content into French, but now does:

    1. Before:

Creating 008.png

b. After:

Creating 009.png


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