XTM Connect - AEM 2.7.2-6.5.20 and 2.7.2-CLOUD-2024.7.17098

newest release

Date: December 23, 2024 
XTM Cloud min. version: v13.5

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where dictionary files were not converted to xml if custom language in AEM was used with dash in the language code.

Known issues

  • In AEM 6.5.14:

    • [XCN-6808/E-000524401] - Error after creating a folder in Projects on Firefox browser.

    • [XCN-6779/E-000816593] It is not possible to update the Due Date of a translation job (JS error). The issue has been flagged to AEM under CQ-4299781.

    • [XCN-9373/E-000968472] - Creating language copies pull unwanted pages

    • [XCN-9100/E-000968513] - Creating project by reference creates separate projects in AEM


  • In AEM Cloud 2023.8.13323:

    • [XCN-9373/E-000968472] - Creating language copies pull unwanted pages

    • [XCN-9100/E-000968513] - Creating project by reference creates separate projects in AEM

    • [XCN-7395/E-000559882] - The Send to translation in XTM option cannot be used when submitting content through translation from the Edit menu within a site.

    • [XCN-6808/E-000524401] - There is an error after creating a folder in Projects when using the Firefox browser.

    • [XCN-7266] - The functionality to start a project directly in XTM Cloud and automatically update the status of the project in AEM is not supported by AEM Cloud.