All about TermWeb – XTM integration

All about TermWeb – XTM integration


TermWeb is a terminology management system developed by Interverbum Technology AB. It can be fully integrated with the XTM Cloud system.

In brief, the integration provides access to TermWeb termbases in XTM Cloud projects. All standard XTM Cloud UI features are available. Term suggestions made in XTM Cloud are sent to TermWeb and handled by personally customizable automated workflows. Changes in TermWeb are then immediately reflected in a client’s XTM Cloud instance.

TermWeb configuration in XTM Cloud

  1. First of all, to set TermWeb up in XTM Cloud, you need a separate TermWeb account. To log in, enter your company name, username, password and link.

Contact Interverbum for more details about the Interverbum TermWeb account.

  1. In the XTM Cloud UI, go to Configuration → Settings → Translation → Terminology → Terminology engines. Then select TermWeb from the Use terminology dropdown. You will have a couple of credentials to fill in:

The Client login name must be the username of a user with administrative privileges (in TermWeb, go to User management → Users → User list):

You can find the API Key in your TermWeb account (administrative privileges required!). Go to User management → Client info → Current client → API key → (Show key):

Once you have entered the credentials, a list of available API TermWeb templates will be displayed, provided that some have already been created in TermWeb.

  1. Once you have synchronized the integration in the global XTM Cloud settings, you can also enable the use of TermWeb at XTM Cloud customer level [Customers → Customer list → (select a customer) → Settings → Terminology].


  1. You can also configure the API TermWeb template at XTM Cloud project template level [Projects → Templates → (select a project template) → Project details → Settings → TermWeb template].

  1. Finally, you can do the same thing at individual XTM project level. [Projects → Project list→ (select a project) → General info → Settings → TermWeb template].

  1. That is it! You can now apply and use the TermWeb integration seamlessly in your XTM Cloud projects.

How does the TermWeb – XTM integration work?

Just like XTM Cloud’s terminology, TermWeb is simply another terminology engine which stores terms that can be used seamlessly in your XTM Cloud projects.

Once everything has been configured in the XTM Cloud UI, in your XTM Cloud instance, as described in the previous section, go to the Terminology tab. For TermWeb, select XTM customers that are using this engine.

If you have configured TermWeb as the terminology engine in your XTM Cloud global settings (Configuration → Settings → Translation → Terminology → Terminology engines), you can still choose which terminology engine to use at a particular moment, provided that at least one of your XTM Cloud customers has XTM Terminology set up in the Terminology dropdown [Customers → Customer list → (select a customer) → Settings → Terminology → Terminology]. Otherwise, TermWeb will be the only option.

When you enter TermWeb for a particular XTM Cloud customer, you are presented with the TermWeb UI. You only see relevant API templates and a list of terms that have been defined for this customer in the XTM Cloud UI.

API templates are configurable in System → API Templates (administrative privileges required).

Every API Template has one or more Dictionaries. They can contain sections which consist of subject-related terminology.

To view all the dictionaries and their related details, go to Dictionaries.

Terms can be imported to specific dictionaries by means of fully customizable import options.

Since TermWeb itself is quite a sophisticated tool that offers a vast range of terminology management options, we recommend that you get acquainted with the TermWeb manual, to learn more about TermWeb's core functionality:

The most important thing to note is that only the terms from the API template you choose will be matched against the selected XTM Cloud project’s source files (XTM Cloud project level). (You can only choose one API template). Identified terms will be decorated in blue, as is the case for normal matching from the standard XTM terminology module. Another similar feature in TermWeb is that the tool enables us to distinguish different term statuses: valid, preferred, forbidden and so on.

You can also enter TermWeb straight from XTM Workbench by right-clicking on a particular segment and selecting Terminology → Open Terminology.

Another way to access TermWeb from XTM Workbench is by clicking the Open Terminology icon in the Terminology panel:


TermWeb and OpenID authentication

XTM Cloud supports accessing the TermWeb instance by means of OpenID authentication. OpenID is an authentication protocol used for signing users into client applications (in this case, TermWeb), for user authentication.

To configure OpenID authentication for, these steps must be followed:

  1. Create a JSM ticket in which you send the XTM Support team a request to generate a client ID and client secret.

  2. The XTM Support team generates the client ID and client secret. Once these values have been obtained, the XTM Support team provides this data to you.

  3. The XTM Support team enters the client ID and client secret in the database of your XTM instance.

  1. At the same time, you shall apply the configuration on the TermWeb side, entering the relevant values in client.{uat/test/prod}.openid.client.id and client.{uat/test/prod}.openid.client.secret.
    For example:

client.test.openid.client.id={CLIENT_ID} client.test.openid.client.secret={CLIENT_SECRET} client.test.openid.origin=https://www.xtm-cloud.com:443 client.test.openid.auth.url=/project-manager-gui/openid-auth.action client.test.openid.token.url=/project-manager-gui/openid-token.action client.test.openid.userdetails.url=/project-manager-gui/openid-userinfo.action client.test.openid.userdetails.field.client=termweb_client_name client.test.openid.userdetails.field.user=preferred_username client.uat.openid.client.id={CLIENT_ID} client.uat.openid.client.secret={CLIENT_SECRET} client.uat.openid.origin=https://{CLIENT_UAT_URL}:443 client.uat.openid.auth.url=/project-manager-gui/openid-auth.action client.uat.openid.token.url=/project-manager-gui/openid-token.action client.uat.openid.userdetails.url=/project-manager-gui/openid-userinfo.action client.uat.openid.userdetails.field.client=termweb_client_name client.uat.openid.userdetails.field.user=preferred_username


Ensure that you pay particular attention to the client.test.openid.origin parameter, which must contain the URL of the XTM instance on which you will be using TermWeb. Port :443 must be selected.

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