VIII.  Start the Workflow

VIII.  Start the Workflow

When you have planned the work for the project by creating all tasks and assigning the vendors, you can start the jobs. This is a one-click action in the Workflow Graph tab. To start the workflow for your task in the project, perform the following steps:

  1. In the Project menu, select the task and click the icon to edit the task.

  2. Go to the Workflow Graph tab.

  3. In the diagram presenting your translation process, check if the job status is set to Accepted. The Accepted status means that the vendor has accepted the offered job and enables you to start your project workflow for the related task.
    If you have more than one job in the workflow, to start the process, a vendor should be assigned at least to the first job, and the job status should be set to Accepted.

    Start workflow.png
  4. Click the Start Workflow button under the TASK INPUT card. The status of the first job will change to Started.

If you have added all the required tasks to the project and set up all necessary job details, you can start all workflows simultaneously. To do so, click the Start All Workflows button under the Project menu.



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