I. Enter the project's basic information

I. Enter the project's basic information

To start creating a project, you need to provide some basic information: the name of your project, what kind of activities the project should include, and who is going to manage it at your company. To do this, perform the following steps:  

  1. Sign in to the XTRF Home Portal.

  2. Click the button on the top menu bar and select Project from the drop-down menu.
    Alternatively, go to the Projects module and click the Add Project button in the top right-hand corner.
    You will be directed to the Add Project page.
    If Smart projects are disabled on your Home Portal, you will not see this page and will be directed to the classic Create a Classic project page.

  3. Provide a concise name for the new project.

  4. Select the client. If the selected client has no contact person defined, you will be asked to add one.

  5. (Optional) Select the group you want this project to be linked to. To learn more about project groups, see the Use the Project Groups feature guide.

  6. Select the classic project service. To learn more about services, see the Create and manage services guide.

  7. Click the Add Project button. You will be directed to the Main Data tab of the Add Project page. Some fields are already filled with the information you provided while creating the project. However, you may change them or add more details (see the Add Project page expand below).

  8. Click the Save button. You will be directed to the Add Quote Language Combination page.

Add Project page

  1. (Optional) In the Client section, you can select another client or add a new one:

    1. If you click the Select Client button, a Select Client Price Profile pop-up window appears. Use the filters on the left to narrow down the search. Click on the price profile of the desired client to change the client in the quote.

    2. If you click the Add Client button, you will be directed to the Add Client page. To learn how to add clients, see the Create a new client profile guide.

  2. For clients with several price profiles, select the correct Client Price Profile from the drop-down list.

  3. (Optional) Provide the Client PO Number - the purchase order number or another reference number on the client side.

  4. In the Contact Person section, you can decide who will receive the files after the work is finished:

    1. Select the main contact person from the drop-down list.

    2. (Optional) Click the Add Contact Person button to open the Add Contact Person pop-up window. Provide the contact person details and click the Add button.

    3. (Optional) Click the More link to expand two additional sections:

      1. The Send Back to person by default is the Contact Person chosen above.
        If you select a different person from the Send Back to drop-down list, the Contact Person selected above will not receive the project’s notifications and the ready files unless you make changes in the notification template or add a new e-mail recipient manually. To learn how to edit the template, see the https://help.xtm.cloud/xtrf/home-portal/configuration-menu/en/templates-tab--notifications-.html article.

      2. From the Additional Contacts drop-down list, you can select another contact person who will receive the project’s notifications and the ready files.

  5. (Optional) Click the Select Project Template button to import the details from the selected template. To learn more about project templates, see the https://help.xtm.cloud/xtrf/home-portal/modules/en/templates-tab.html article.

  6. From the Project Manager drop-down menu, select a user from your company’s side responsible for this project. By default, the system automatically selects the currently signed-in user.

  7. In the Workflow section, check or change this project’s workflow. By default, you see the workflow defined in the selected service settings, but you can change it according to your needs. To learn more about workflows, see the https://help.xtm.cloud/xtrf/home-portal/configuration-menu/en/workflow-definitions--classic-.html article.

  8. Select the project’s Specialization. To learn more about specializations, see the https://help.xtm.cloud/xtrf/home-portal/configuration-menu/en/specializations.html article.

  9. (Optional) Change the Start Date and Time. By default, the start date is the same as the Added on date.

  10. (Optional) Set the Deadline.
    To learn more about default date and time settings, see the https://help.xtm.cloud/xtrf/home-portal/configuration-menu/en/scheduling-tab.html article.

  11. (Optional) If the project is created for a live interpretation, select the Additional Fields checkbox. New fields appear below.

    1. In the Place of Event field, provide the details on where the interpretation will occur.

    2. In the Date and Time of Event field, provide the details about the timing of the interpretation.

  12. (Optional) In the Categories section, select the project’s category from the drop-down list. To learn more about categories, see the https://help.xtm.cloud/xtrf/home-portal/configuration-menu/en/categories.html article.

  13. (Optional) In the Instructions tab, you can provide notes and special instructions for the project. Some of them are visible to all responsible parties (Notes), while others will be revealed only to certain groups:

    • to you and your client (Special Instructions from Client)

    • to you and your vendors (Special Instructions for Vendor)

    • to your company's users (Internal Special Instructions and Payment Note for Client).

    • To add or edit the notes, click the icon. A pop-up editor window appears.

    • Provide or change the notes.

    • Click the Save button.

    • (Optional) Check the Show Note on Dashboard box to mark the project with the icon in the Dashboard → Classic Dashboard → Open Projects display. To learn more about dashboards, see the https://help.xtm.cloud/xtrf/home-portal/modules/en/dashboard-module.html article.

  14. Click the Save button at the bottom of the page. You will be directed to the Add Quote Language Combination page.


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