III. Create a Task

III. Create a Task


Each project contains one or more tasks associated with language combinations. You need to create a task for each language combination because, at the lower level, each task includes jobs assigned to the proper vendors. Each vendor performs a certain job, such as translation or editing, for a given language. It also means that you manage the project from the task level, where every single task is a set of services purchased by your client.

On the Add Task page, you can create specific tasks for the selected language combination. You can create as many tasks as you need for your project.

In the Project menu on the left, you can check which language combination is selected. If you have added multiple language combinations, the data is displayed for the last language combination.

Add a task

  1. Click the icon in the selected task line or click the Add Task button below the left-hand menu.

  2. Check the information in the Main Data and Instructions tab.

    AddTask - Main data.png
  3. Select the task’s Relation to Language:

    • Language combination-related - e.g., for translations.

    • Source language-related only - e.g., for file preparation.

    • Target language-related only - e.g., for proofreading.

    • Language-independent - e.g., for DTP.
      Depending on the selection, the next field will be a Language Combination, Source Language, or Target Language drop-down list, where you can select the correct language or combination.
      If you select other options than Language combination-related, saving this task will create a new language combination in the Project menu on the left.

  4. (Optional) For on-premise XTRF: check the Auto-create Task Directories box to create corresponding task directories on your server.

  5. Click the Save button. A new task appears in the Project menu.


    You can add task for other language combinations manually by repeating the steps above. Or you can copy this task to other language combinations.

Copy a task

You need to create a task for each language combination. When you have created one task, you can copy it instead of creating the next one and manually re-entering all information. While copying the task, you can:

  • specify which information you want to duplicate in the new task, including payables and receivables 

  • make a copy of the input files uploaded in the original task

  • set up a different workflow of the vendors' activities. 

To copy the existing task and set up the options appropriately, perform the following steps:

  1. In the Project or Task menu on the left, click the Copy Task button. You will be directed to the Copy Task page.

  2. From the Task drop-down list, select the task you want to copy.

  3. In the Languages section, select to which language pair you want to copy the task.

  4. Uncheck the boxes with the details you don’t want to copy to the new task.

  5. In the Payable Rates and Receivable Rates sections, select what to do with rates:

    • Automatically recalculate according to the vendor’s or client’s price profile.

    • Copy the rates from the selected task.

  6. If you want to change the Start Date and Time and Deadline, switch to Set and provide new dates.

  7. If you want to change the task Workflow, switch to Set and select a new workflow from the drop-down list.

  8. Click the Copy Task button. The newly created task appears in the Project menu. 

Multiple tasks created with one click

Adding multiple languages to the Selected Items list will create a task for each language. Let's assume that you have a project with one task: 2015/9/1. You want to make a copy of this task for English [EN] >> French [FR] and English [EN] >> German [DE]. After you click the Copy Task button, the system creates the following tasks:

  • 2015/9/2 for English [EN] >> French [FR]

  • 2015/9/3 for English [EN] >> German [DE]


Whenever you add a new task to your project, you should add a receivable to the newly created task. It allows you to charge your client for the service for each language combination separately.

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