Create a client invoice
An important part of the translation process is creating and sending an invoice for completed tasks. On the XTRF Platform, the invoice items are based on the task receivables. You can create an invoice for an individual task or for all tasks in one project as well as include tasks from many projects in one invoice.
Before you create your first invoice
To create an invoice, you need to:
Create a payment method, so you and your client can conduct financial transactions (see the Configure payment types and methods articles)
Establish the payment terms with your client (see the article).
Ensure you have at least one receivable in the task you want to get invoiced.
I. Add a client invoice
Sign in to the XTRF Home Portal.
Click the button on the top menu bar and select Client Invoice from the drop-down menu.
Alternatively, go to the Invoicing module and click the Add Task-based Client Invoice button at the top of the page.The Select Tasks to Add Client (Pro Forma) Invoice pop-up window appears. Select one or several uninvoiced tasks from the list and click the Add Invoice button.
When you select several tasks for one client, a single invoice will be created. When you select tasks for different clients, a separate invoice for each client will be created.For prepayment-based invoices:
The Select Prepayments to Add Client (Pro Forma) Invoice pop-up window appears. Select one or several prepayments and click the Add Invoice button.For empty invoices:
You will be directed to the Add Client Invoice page.In the Client section, click the Select button and select a client’s price profile in a pop-up window.
Select the Currency from the drop-down list.
Select the Payment Terms from the drop-down list.
Click the Save button.
If you have selected tasks for one client, you will be directed to the new Client Invoice page (see the section below). Otherwise, you will be directed to the Client Invoices tab, where you can locate the newly created invoices and open them to edit further.
The easiest way to invoice a one-language Smart project is via this project’s Finance card > Invoicing Terms tab > Client Invoicing section.
At this point, the new invoice is already created and stored on the Home Portal. Use the Save button at the bottom of the page to record any further changes to the invoice.
II. Add items to the client invoice
When you have created an invoice, you need to add value to it by adding invoice items. When the invoice is created, all details are provided by the Home Portal using default system data or default client data. You may change some of the data for this invoice.
You can add items only to the invoices with the Not Ready status.
To add an item(s) to the invoice, perform the following steps:
Go to the Invoicing module.
In the Client Invoices display, set the Invoice status filter to Not Ready.
Locate the invoice to which you want to add the items and click the icon for this invoice. You will be directed to this invoice's page.
Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click one of the buttons at the bottom of the page:
Add one item for all tasks → a single item that sums the values of all tasks will appear on the invoice.
Add an item for each task → each task will be a separate invoice item.
Add an item for each task receivable → each task receivable will be a separate invoice item.
Click the Save button.
By adding a task to the invoice, you lock the receivables for this task so they can't be changed. By adding a task-related item, you lock the whole task. Therefore, to change the receivables, you need to delete the corresponding items and tasks from the invoice.
III. Check the invoice details
Before sending an invoice to your client, make sure all its details are correct. To do so, perform the following steps:
Go to the Invoicing module.
Locate the invoice you want to check and click the icon for this invoice. You will be directed to this invoice's page.
In the Payment Terms section, you can select specific terms for this invoice from the drop-down list. To learn more about adding payment terms, see the Configure payment settings for vendors and clients | Define payment terms for vendors and clients guide.
In the Date field, you can set the invoice creation date that will appear on the actual invoice.
From the Numbering Scheme drop-down list, select how this specific invoice's number should be determined. To learn more about numbering schemes, see the article.
In the Currency section, you can change the default currency. Click the Change button and select the desired currency from the drop-down list.
Changing invoice currency will result in recalculating all invoice items and paid values according to the currency rates set in the system. The payment method will be updated to match the selected currency.From the Payment Method drop-down list, you can select how the client should pay you (i.e., your bank account details). If you can't find the correct method in the list, click the Add button to create a new method (see the Configure payment settings for vendors and clients | Define payment methods for clientsguide).
In the Task Value section, you can check the amount of all tasks included in this invoice.
In the Net Total section, you can check the amount of all invoice items before the consumption tax is applied.
For example, you have two tasks: Task 1 and Task 2. The value of Task 1 is $200, and the value of Task 2 is $100. You decide to invoice both tasks as one item: Tasks Item. The value of the Tasks Item is $300. You also have a non-task-related charge, so you create another item for this invoice: Non-Task Item. The value of the Non-Task Item is $200. The Net Total for this invoice is $500.In the Task Calculation Rule section, you can change how the taxes are calculated for this invoice. Click the Change button and select the desired rule with the radio button.
In the Gross Total section, you can check the amount of all items with the consumption tax applied.
For example, an invoice has two items. Item 1 has a charge of $200 and a VAT rate of 20%. Item 2 has a charge of $100 and a VAT Rate of $10. The Net Total is $300. In the Tax Calculation Rule section, you select "Sum Tax Values of Particular Items.” The tax sum of both items - $50 - is added to the net total. Therefore, the Gross Total is $350.In the Gross Total in Words section, you can check how the gross total amount is displayed in words.
From the Invoice Signatory drop-down list, you can select the sender of the invoice among the Home Portal users.
From the Invoice Template drop-down list, you can select the desired template for this invoice. To learn how to add document templates, see the Add an HTML document template and Add a BIRT-4 document template guides. To download the invoice PDF file, click the Download Invoice link.
In the Categories section, you can assign a custom label to this invoice. To learn more about categories, see the article.
In the Tasks tab, you can manage the tasks included in this invoice.
To delete a task from the invoice, click the icon in the tasks table.
To open a task, click on its line in the table.
To add a task to the invoice, click the Add button. The Add Task pop-up window appears with the list of uninvoiced closed tasks for this client.
Use the filters on the left to narrow down the search.
Check the desired tasks' boxes in the left-hand column.
Click the Add Selected button.
In the Items tab, you can manage the items included in this invoice.
To add an item that is not task-related, click the Add button.
To add task-related items to the invoice, click one of the buttons at the bottom of the page (see the Add items to the client invoice section of this article).
To edit an item, click the icon in the items table.
To delete an item from the invoice, click the icon in the items table.
Go to the Client Data tab, where you can check the client's data that appears on the invoice.
Click the link in the Client section to open an Info Card pop-up window with the main details from the client's profile.
Click the Refresh Client Data button to ensure all the client's profile changes will be reflected in the invoice.
From the Payment Method drop-down list, you can select the client's way of paying for this invoice (i.e., the client's bank account details). To learn how to add a new client's payment method, see the Configure payment settings for vendors and clients | Define payment methods for clients article.
In the Send Invoice to section, you can select to whom the invoice will be sent. You can add a new contact person by clicking the Add Contact Person button and providing the necessary details.
If you leave the Unspecified option, the invoice will be sent to the Accounting Contact Person defined in the client's profile > Main Data tab > Invoicing subtab > Payment Terms subtab. If no Accounting contact person is selected in the client’s profile, the invoice will be sent to the client's main e-mail address.In the Send CC to section, you can select a client's contact person who will receive a copy of the e-mail with an invoice attached.
Click the Save button.
To learn about all the fields and options of XTRF invoices, see the article.
IV. Send an invoice to the client
When you have prepared the invoice and settled all the financial details, you can send it to your client. To do so, perform the following steps:
Go to the Invoicing module.
Locate the invoice you want to send and click the icon for this invoice. You will be directed to this invoice's page.
Make sure that the invoice status is Ready. If not, change the status to Ready using the icon.
When an invoice receives the Ready status, an invoice PDF file is automatically generated and can be previewed at the bottom of the page.
Click the Send by E-mail button to send the invoice without previewing the e-mail. To edit the e-mail sent to the client along with the invoice, click the Edit and Send button.
The invoice document is already attached to this e-mail. After checking or editing the e-mail, click the Send button.
The e-mail with the invoice has been sent to the client. The invoice status is automatically changed to Sent.
Changing the invoice status to Sent using the icon does not result in sending it.