Create a vendor invoice

Create a vendor invoice


A vendor invoice can be created on the Home Portal and then managed by the vendor on the Vendor Portal, or the vendor can entirely manage it on the Vendor Portal. The second option is more convenient for both parties. To learn more about creating invoices on the Vendor Portal, see the Vendor Portal - Invoices module article.

I. Add a vendor invoice

  1. Sign in to the XTRF Home Portal.

  2. Click the button on the top menu bar and select Vendor Invoice from the drop-down menu.
    Alternatively, go to the Invoicing module → Vendor Invoices tab and click the Add Vendor Invoice button at the top of the page.

    The Select Jobs to Add Vendor Invoice pop-up window appears.

  3. Select one or several uninvoiced jobs from the list and click the Add Invoice button.
    When you select several jobs for one vendor, a single invoice will be created. When you select jobs for different vendors, a separate invoice will be created for each vendor.

If you have selected jobs for one vendor, you will be directed to the new Vendor Invoice page (see the section below). Otherwise, you will be directed to the Vendor Invoices tab, where you can locate the newly created invoices and open them to edit further.

At this point, the new invoice is already created and stored on the Home Portal. Use the Save button at the bottom of the page to record any further changes to the invoice.

For empty invoices:

  1. Go to the Invoicing module → Vendor Invoices tab and click the Add Empty Vendor Invoice button at the top of the page.


    You will be directed to the Add Vendor Invoice page.

    Add empty vendor.png
  2. Select the Vendor, Currency, and the Payment Terms.

  3. (Optional) Provide the Gross Total and Net Total amounts.

  4. (Optional) Provide the invoice number.

  5. Provide the Invoice Date.

  6. Click the Save button.

II. Check the invoice details

Before sending an invoice to your vendor, make sure all its details are correct. To do so, perform the following steps:

  1. Go to the Invoicing module → Vendor Invoices tab.

  2. Locate the invoice you want to check and click the icon for this invoice. You will be directed to this invoice's page.

  3. In the Internal Number section, you can check the number assigned to this invoice for internal use.
    The Internal Number is assigned automatically, according to the scheme set in the Configuration Menu > Templates > Numbering Schemes > Vendor invoice specification numbering scheme.

  4. In the Invoice No field, you can provide the final invoice number.

  5. In the Invoice Date section, you can check or change the date that will appear on the invoice.

  6. In the Payment Terms section, you can select specific terms for this invoice from the drop-down list.

  7. From the Payment Method drop-down list, you can select how the vendor will receive the payment. If you can’t find the correct method on the list, click the Add button to create a new method (see the Configure payment settings for vendors and clients | Define payment methods for vendors guide).

  8. In the Tax Calculation Rule section, you can change how the taxes are calculated for this invoice. Click the Change button and select the desired rule with the radio button.

  9. In the Gross Total section, you can check or change the amount of all items with the consumption tax applied. Click the Change button and provide the new amount.

  10. In the Currency section, you can change the default currency. Click the Change button and select the desired currency from the drop-down list.
    Warning: Changing invoice currency will result in recalculating of all invoice items and paid values according to the currency rates set in the system.

  11. In the Net Total section, you can check or change the amount of all invoice items before the consumption tax is applied.  Click the Change button and provide the new amount.

  12. In the Jobs Net Total and Jobs Gross Total sections, you can check the net and gross amount of all jobs included in the invoice.

  13. In the Expected Payment Date field, you can check or change the date when your company plans to pay this invoice in full.
    The expected payment date is defined by the payment terms set either in (1) Configuration menu → Clients and Vendors → Vendor Settings → Payment Terms tab or (2) this vendor profile → Main Data tab → Invoicing subtab → Payment Terms subtab. To learn more about setting payment terms, see the Configure payment settings for vendors and clients | Define payment terms for vendors and clients guide.

  14. In the Categories section, you can assign a custom label to this invoice. To learn more about categories, see the https://help.xtm.cloud/xtrf/home-portal/configuration-menu/en/categories.html article.

  15. In the Jobs table, you can manage the jobs included in the invoice.

  16. From the Specification Template drop-down list, you can select the desired template for this invoice. To learn how to add document templates, see the Add an HTML document template and Add a BIRT-4 document template guides. To preview the invoice, click the Download Specification link.

  17. In the Invoice File section, you can download the invoice file sent by the vendor from the Vendor Portal or add such a file if you received it outside the Vendor Portal.

  18. Click the Save button.

To learn about all the fields and options of XTRF invoices, see the https://help.xtm.cloud/xtrf/home-portal/modules/en/vendor-invoice-page.html article.

III. Send an invoice to the vendor

  1. Go to the Invoicing module → Vendor Invoices tab.

  2. Locate the invoice you want to check and click the icon for this invoice. You will be directed to this invoice's page.

  3. Scroll down to the bottom of the page.

  4. In the Send Invoice to section, select to whom the invoice will be sent. You can add a new contact person by clicking the Add Contact Person button and providing the necessary details.
    If you leave the Unspecified option, the invoice will be sent to the vendor’s main e-mail address.

  5. Click the Send by E-mail button to send the invoice without previewing.

  6. Click the Edit and Send button to edit the e-mail sent to the vendor along with the invoice.

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