System Information
This section is a part of the Configuration menu. Access to this section may be restricted by Home Portal administrators.
The changes in the configuration menu settings will affect all XTRF users and, therefore, should be well considered.
Some settings depend on the selected XTRF plan and thus might be unavailable for some clients.
In the System Information section, you can manage system-related actions and features.
Asynchronous Actions
In this section, you can check the status of some of the asynchronous actions performed by the system.
By default, only the Failed, Not Started and Pending actions are displayed. Select another status in the filter on the left and click the Search button to check for Completed or Canceled actions.
Asynchronous actions related to the Smart projects and quotes are not displayed in this section.
This functionality is deprecated, and its functions were overtaken by the History feature.
Browse Logs
This section is available only for on-cloud instances. By default, it is visible only for the admin user with the Administrator position.
In this section, you can check for logs, preview, and download them.
To change the way the log folder is displayed, click the Customize button.
To download a log file, click on it or select its checkbox, click the Selection button > Download or Download as ZIP.
To download several log files at once, select their checkboxes and click the Selection button > Download as ZIP.
To download all log files, click the Folder button > Download as ZIP.
To preview log files, click the Click here to try our new logs viewer link. You will be directed to the log viewer page. Here you can check server logs or other types of logs and search for a specific event or action.
To display a specific log, select it from the left-hand drop-down list and click the Apply button.
To display the latest server log, select the
option without a date. To upload the most recent data for this log, click the Flush Buffer button.
From the second drop-down list, select the type of data that will be shown in the log and click the Apply button.
Use the search field to locate the data in question:
Select the data type (date, user, message, etc.).
Select the appropriate operator (=, >, ~, etc.).
Type in your search query.
Click the Apply button.
To learn about search field syntax, click the icon.
E-mail Line (E-mail Queue)
In this section, you can check if there were any issues with sending e-mails from the Home Portal and manage the unsent e-mails.
Edit the default view or create a new one. To learn how to do that, see the Classic views article.
Click the icon to delete the selected e-mail.
Check one or several boxes in the left column and click the icon in the header to open a drop-down menu of applicable actions:
Select or deselect all e-mails.
Force Resend the unsent e-mails.
Pause Line to put all e-mails on hold.
Delete the selected e-mails.
Normally, the queue should stay mostly empty unless there is an issue with your SMTP service.
This is an extra feature. Additional charges may apply. Please contact our Help Desk or your Regional Growth Manager for more information.
In this section, you can view every history entry stored in the system.
This history view lets you filter results by 5 criteria:
Responsible - by the user behind an action (includes automatically performed actions).
Date - by the action date.
Action - by the action type: added, changed, deleted, erased.
Scope - by the portal area: clients, vendors, quotes, or projects.
Name - by the name or ID of a client, vendor, project, or quote.
You can grant or deny the access to the History section for certain user groups (see the User Groups and Rights article).
You can manage the history scope in Configuration menu > General Configuration > Settings > History tab.
System Values Restore
This section is available only for on-premise instances. To restore system values for on-cloud instances, please contact the XTRF Help Desk.
In this section, you can add and reset system values, themes, templates, and some other values, along with their translations. For details, see the Restore system values guide.
The system values restore actions are not reversible. We strongly recommend to make a database copy before performing any of those actions.
Sanity Check
In this section, you can check the health status of the custom extensions.
System Monitor
In this section, you can find additional information about your system, active sessions, etc. You can also perform the reindex of the Lucene index to fix search bar issues.
Bear in mind that the reindex procedure can significantly slow down system performance and may take from several minutes up to over an hour, depending on the complexity of your database. We recommend that you perform it outside of business hours.
The content of this section will differ significantly for on-cloud and on-premise clients.