How to work in the Job Manager

How to work in the Job Manager


If you don’t have a Vendor Portal account, you can use the Job Manager to check the work details and upload the ready files.

Access the Job Manager

After a project manager assigns you to a job, you receive an e-mail with some job details and a link to this job in the Job Manager.

This link will direct you to this job’s page in the Job Manager.

Job Manager page

First of all, select the desired language version of the Job Manager from the drop-down list in the right-hand corner of the top menu bar.

On the job page, you can:

  • In the Instructions card, check the job-related notes and instructions.

  • In the Received Files card, download the source files.

  • In the Delivered Files card, upload the ready files after processing them. For details, see the Upload files to the Vendor Portal guide.

  • In the Notes card, leave your notes for the project manager and (optional) for other vendors.

  • At the top of the right-hand panel, check the job status.

  • In the Overview card on the right, download the purchase order, change the assignees, or write an e-mail to the project manager.

  • (Optional) In the Time Tracking card, you can check how much time is estimated for this job, the time you have already logged by clicking the I Completed Part of the Job button, and the time remaining.

  • In the Communication card, you can open the XTRF Chat to contact the project manager about this job.
    To be able to use the XTRF Chat, you need to be invited to a specific workspace.

To use the Vendor Portal's full functionality, we recommend you create a vendor account. To learn how to do this, see the Create a new vendor account article. To learn more about the Vendor Portal, see the https://help.xtm.cloud/xtrf/vendor-portal/?lang=en.


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