Costs & Metrics reports
- 1 Introduction
- 2 Description of Costs and metrics reports
- 2.1 Assignment and words
- 2.2 Costs and words per customer or custom field
- 2.3 Costs and metrics per Linguist
- 2.4 Initial metrics, assignment and costs
- 2.5 Metrics, custom fields included
- 2.6 Project cost, metrics per step
- 2.7 Project cost, metrics, and assignment per step
- 2.8 Words, time per Linguist, language and task
- 3 Correct ways to generate Costs & Metrics reports
- 4 Process of generating the Costs & Metrics reports
- 5 Correctness of costs generation
- 6 Inclusion of costs entries with WARNINGS in Costs & Metrics reports (since v.13.4)
- 7 How to choose the basis for costs when generating Costs & Metrics reports
- 8 Good to know!
This article provides background information about using various Costs & Metrics reports and analyzing related problems.
To display Cost & Metrics reports, select Projects → Project list → Actions → (choose) → Reports → Costs and metrics. In this section, you can choose more specific forms that contain actual information.
Description of Costs and metrics reports
Assignment and words
The Assignment and words report lists all specified projects within which jobs are aggregated (grouped) by a specific source and target language combination. For example, if you have a project that contains two target languages, two source files, and two workflow steps to which you have assigned Linguists (you have four XTM Cloud jobs in total), and you include it in the report, the report will only contain two entries, each for a single source and target language combination. The report itself covers active, finished, and archived projects. Its purpose is to show user assignments, total word count and the total manual time spent on a particular source and target language combination, in a particular XTM Cloud project. This report is particularly useful to deep-dive into your vendor productivity metrics, because it enables you to compare the project scope against the expected due date and actual time spent on a task. Since this type of report does not contain any cost-related data, the report itself does not require generating costs, to be generated successfully. |
Costs and words per customer or custom field
The Costs and words per customer or custom field report lists all specified projects and provides the total sum of costs generated, source words, and hours taken, per XTM Cloud project. For example, if you have a project that contains two target languages, two source files, and two workflow steps to which you have assigned Linguists (you have four XTM Cloud jobs in total), and you include it in the report, the report will contain only one entry (since it there is only one project in total). The report itself covers active, finished, and archived projects. Its purpose is to show the sum of costs generated, source words, and hours taken, per XTM Cloud project, as well as the total for the costs, word count, and hours, of all projects in the columns. This report is particularly useful whenever you want to have an overview of the project scope and costs across multiple customers. The real benefit of this report is represented by the grouping options, which enable you to flexibly divide the data in different sections, either based on customer or custom fields. |
There is also the Total row for the selected values for all projects in the columns, which shows the total sum of costs, source words, and hours. |
Costs and metrics per Linguist
The Costs and metrics per Linguist report lists all specified projects and provides aggregated metrics/statistics/time (depending on the “cost type” selected upon costs generation) and related costs, per Linguist, target language, and type of workflow step. For example, let’s consider a project that contains two target languages, two source files, and two workflow steps (you have four XTM Cloud jobs in total). You have two Linguists and you assign the first one to all the TRANSLATE steps and just one CORRECT step, and the second Linguist only to the remaining CORRECT steps. If you include the project in the report, the report will contain three entries (since the report groups data per Linguist AND workflow step). The report itself covers active, finished, and archived projects. Its purpose is to show aggregated metrics/statistics/time (depending on the “cost type” selected upon costs generation) and related costs per Linguist, target language and type of workflow step. This report is particularly useful whenever you need an overview of your vendor costs and scope covered across multiple projects. |
Initial metrics, assignment and costs
The Initial metrics, assignment and costs report lists all specified projects and provides aggregated initial metrics, user assignment to workflow steps, and related costs, per target language in a particular project in XTM Cloud. For example, let’s consider a project that contains two target languages, two source files, and two workflow steps to which you have assigned Linguists (you have four XTM Cloud jobs in total). If you include the project in the report, the report will contain two entries (since the report groups data per target language). The report itself covers active, finished, and archived projects. Its purpose is to show aggregated initial metrics, user assignment to workflow steps, and related costs, per target language in a particular project in XTM Cloud. This report is particularly useful whenever you need to focus your cost and metrics analysis on the initial project metrics (coming from the first project analysis) instead of the most up to date metrics. You can use this report also to potentially compare the initial scope (initial metrics) with the current scope (current metrics reports). IMPORTANT! The Initial metrics here actually reference the most recent analysis event for the project. For example, imagine that you create a project with no matching segments at all, translate it and then reanalyze it. All segments will be assigned ICE matches and this will be reflected in the Current Metrics and the "Reanalysis" event in the Metrics history. Costs based on Initial metrics will be based on ICE matches. |
Metrics, custom fields included
The Metrics, custom fields included report lists all specified projects and provides aggregated metrics per target language for an XTM Cloud project. For example, if you have a project that contains two target languages, two source files, and two workflow steps to which you have assigned Linguists (you have four XTM Cloud jobs in total), and you include it in the report, the report will contain two entries (since there are two target languages in the project). The report itself covers active, finished, and archived projects. Its purpose is to show aggregated metrics per target language in the XTM Cloud project. This report is particularly useful whenever you want to analyze the current project scope by language. Custom fields can further help you categorize the relevant projects to spot interesting trends. Since this type of report does not contain any cost-related data, the report itself does not require generating costs, to be generated successfully.
Project cost, metrics per step
The Project cost, metrics per step report lists all specified projects and provides aggregated costs and metrics/statistics/time (depending on the “cost type” selected upon costs generation) per type of workflow step and target language for an XTM Cloud project. For example, if you have a project that contains two target languages, two source files, and two workflow steps (you have four XTM Cloud jobs in total), and you include it in the report, the report will contain four entries (since there are two target languages in the project, each containing two distinct workflow steps). The report itself covers active, finished, and archived projects. Its purpose is to show aggregated costs and metrics/statistics/time (depending on the “cost type” selected upon costs generation) per type of workflow step and target language of a XTM Cloud project. This report is particularly useful whenever you want to analyze cost and scope trends based on the type of task performed by your vendor (workflow steps). For example, you could analyze DTP costs over time or understand how your post-editing costs have changed across projects. |
Project cost, metrics, and assignment per step
The Project cost, metrics per step report lists all specified projects and provides aggregated costs and metrics/statistics/time (depending on the “cost type” selected upon costs generation), and user assignment, per type of workflow step and target language for an XTM Cloud project. For example, if you have a project that contains two target languages, two source files, and two workflow steps to which you have assigned Linguists (you have four XTM Cloud jobs in total), and you include it in the report, the report will contain four entries (since there are two target languages in the project, each containing two distinct workflow steps). The report itself covers active, finished, and archived projects. Its purpose is to show aggregated costs and metrics/statistics/time (depending on the “cost type” selected upon costs generation), and user assignment, per type of workflow step and target language for an XTM Cloud project. This report is particularly recommended if you use machine translation and are measuring edit distance. This report gives you insights into project cost, scope and edit distance calculation, along with the vendor cost discounts based on edit distance. |
Words, time per Linguist, language and task
The Words, time per Linguist, language and task report lists all specified projects and provides information about the total number of words and words that have already been translated/processed, per Linguist, source file, target language, and type of workflow step. For example, if you have a project that contains two target languages, two source files, and two workflow steps to which you have assigned Linguists (you have four XTM Cloud jobs in total), and you include it in the report, the report will contain eight entries (since there are two target languages in the project, each containing two source files and four distinct tasks). The report itself covers active, finished, and archived projects. Its purpose is to provide information about total words and words that have already been translated/processed, per Linguist, source file, target language, and type of workflow step. This report is particularly useful if you want to analyze the effort actually invested by your internal linguists (excluding subcontractors) on different projects. |