Preview Extended table – description
XTM Cloud includes an extensive reporting utility that previews the source and target translation in off-line mode, along with, among others, segment IDs, XTM Cloud statuses, comments, date created, date modified, segment revisions and the personal details of the users who took part in the workflow process and modified entries.
Enabling/downloading the report
The Preview Extended report is available for internal project managers, linguists and LSPs provided that the administrator has enabled the option to download the report in one of the three available formats, in the main XTM Cloud instance: XLSX, HTML, PDF in Configuration → Settings → Translation → Workflow and access → Linguist general options → Allow linguist to download.
Once this option has been selected, reports can be generated and then downloaded in the Project/Task file manager:
for project managers: Project Editor → Files → Preview → (generate Extended table…);
for linguists: Project context menu → Open File Manager → Files → Preview → (generate Extended table…);
It is not possible for subcontractors (LSPs) to generate an Excel Extended table, so the lack of this option on their side, even though the Contractor has allowed them to do so, is to be expected!
Preview Extended table window panel
When you try to generate the Preview Extended table, the system will display a popup window in which you can select the specific columns that you would like to include in your report.
Defaults → In this section, you can select one of five predefined report templates.
Report columns → This section describes all the columns that you can freely include in/exclude from reports.
Report options → This section displays any additional settings that modify the report in any way:
All languages → In a multilingual Extended table report, each column included in the report breaks up into as many sub-columns as there are target languages, each of them presenting data for its specific language.
Only include segments with QA warnings → If the QA warnings column is activated, this setting restricts inclusion to segments that have QA warnings, in XTM Workbench.
Only show last revisions per step → This setting adds the Last revision column, which only contains the last revision for a particular segment (instead of the Revisions column).
Populate target with source → If no translation has been inserted in the target segment in XTM Workbench, it will be populated with the source text in the report.
Show usernames → It displays usernames in the appropriate columns such as Comments, Corrector changes, etc.
Description of columns