Damian Rozmiarkowski (Unlicensed)
Saved on Jan 08, 2024 Damian Rozmiarkowski
Saved on Jan 23, 2024
Concordance search
List of XTM Cloud languages for which there is no spellchecker
Regular expressions (regex) in a QA profile
Aligning feature
Reindexing, translation memory (TM) & terminology
A step-by-step description of project analysis
What affects the time that the project analysis takes?
New language vs. language variant
How is wordcount calculated in XTM Cloud?
A continuous project and its outcome
Limited Project Manager (LPM) roles – description and customization
Moving a PVC/Suite instance to a lower XTM version
Customizing the XTM Cloud login page
File size limitations: XTM Cloud UI & API
What is the Difference between an Unavailable User and a Deactivated User?
XTM Cloud Workflow: Difference between "Rollback" and Moving Back by Selecting an Arrow Button
How to Add a DTP Step to the Workflow in XTM Cloud
Automatic time tracking vs. manual time tracking
Why do normal inline tags change into self-closed tags?
File download and upload options
How to Arrange a Project Review