Send advanced job offers manually

Send advanced job offers manually

You can send advanced job offers only to one job at a time

In Smart projects

In Smart projects and quotes, you can send advanced job offers from the Process or Jobs card or the Step side panel.

In the Process card: 

  1. Click the icon next to the Select Vendor button. 

  2. Select Send Advanced Job Offers.


In the Jobs card:

  1. Select the job by checking the box in the left column.

  2. Click the Job Actions button at the top of the card. 

  3. From the drop-down menu, select Send Advanced Job Offers.


In the job side panel:


  1. Go to the Vendor section.

  2. Click the icon.

  3. Select Send Advanced Job Offers.

In Classic projects

In classic projects, you can send advanced job offers from the Task or Job level.

  1. Enter a classic project or quote and open one of the Tasks or Jobs

  2. Go to the Job Offers tab > Advanced Job Offers sub-tab and click the Send Job Offers button.

  3. To further automate this process, check the Automatically start Job after Vendor selection box.

If you do not want to use the Advanced Job Offers, opt for the Classic Availability Requests sub-tab. 

To learn how to automate job offer sending, see the Automatic job sending guide.

To find out more about the Advanced Job Offers, see the https://help.xtm.cloud/xtrf/advanced-job-offers/?lang=en .