Manage vendor's price profile
Each vendor has their own price profile in the XTRF Platform. The vendor's price profile contains financial information such as the price list valid for this vendor, the currency you settle the payments in, or discounts. The price profile also contains information about the competencies and specializations of the vendor, which are very helpful for a correct job assignment. All these pieces of information are automatically used as the default payment settings for completed jobs.
On the Home Portal, the default price profile is created along with the vendors' profile. The price profile is set up with a system default currency.
I. Add a new price profile
Sign in to the Home Portal.
Go to the Vendors module.
Locate the vendor in question and click the corresponding icon.
Go to the Competencies & Rates tab.
If you have not created any price profiles for this vendor yet, you’ll be directed to the Price Profile card.Click the Add price profile button. A Price Profile - Add pop-up window appears.
Provide the Name of the new profile.
Select a Currency for this profile. You need to create a new profile for each currency. To learn more about currencies in the XTRF, see the article.
You will not be able to change the currency later.(Optional) In the Minimum Charge field, set the lowest service cost accepted by the vendor. If you request a service that costs less than the minimum charge, the system will automatically put the sum provided in this field into the Total Agreed field in the project’s Payables. Nevertheless, you can ignore the minimum charge and enter the lower Total Agreed sum manually.
Minimum charges of the price profile will be overwritten by the minimum charges set for the specific language combinations (see the Add language combinations section below).(Optional) In the Price List drop-down list, you can select an available vendor's price list to set the rates for this price profile. To learn how to add a price list, see the Manage price lists for vendors guide.
(Optional) In the Duplicate from drop-down list, you can select another price profile you already ha