Upload files to the Vendor Portal

Upload files to the Vendor Portal

  1. Sign in to the Vendor Portal or open the link from the e-mail to access the Job Manager.

  2. Go to the Jobs module and open the job in question.

  3. Scroll down to the Delivered Files card.

  4. Drag and drop the file to the DROP FILES HERE area or

    • Click the Add Files button and select the file on your local machine, or

    • (If the project manager enables this option) Click the Add Links button and provide a link to the ready file.
      You cannot upload files whose filenames contain the following characters: < > : ; " / \ | ? *

  5. After uploading a file:

    1. Select its Category

    2. Select the file’s Languages

    3. (Optional) In the last drop-down list, select whether this file is already Verified, Needs corrections, or No need to verify.