Access the Job Prospecting Dashboard

Access the Job Prospecting Dashboard

To get to the Job Prospecting Dashboard, open a Job Prospecting page. Links to the specific job prospecting are located:

  1. On the Send Job Offers page of the Job Prospecting Wizard.

  1. In the project’s Process card on the Home Portal (only during the job prospecting).

  1. In the job’s side menu on the Home Portal (only during the job prospecting).

  1. In the dedicated chat room in the XTRF Chat.

On any Job Prospecting page, click the Back to List button in the top left-hand corner. You will be directed to the Job Prospecting Dashboard, where you can check the jobs’ prospecting statuses.


To find out more about the Advanced Job Offers, see the https://help.xtm.cloud/xtrf/advanced-job-offers/?lang=en .


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