Akeneo: Naming convention for Akeneo projects

Akeneo: Naming convention for Akeneo projects


In Akeneo, there are two ways in which XTM Cloud project names are generated automatically in the XTM Connect – Akeneo plugin, depending on the number of content items you submit within the framework of one XTM Cloud project.

Keep in mind that, regardless of the content type that is sent off to XTM Cloud (products or attributes), both project names and project descriptions can be changed any time, at the content submission stage, in the Project Name and Description fields respectively, in the XTM Connect – Akeneo plugin.

Submitting a single content item


The project name for a single content item, in the Add products section of the XTM Connect – Akeneo plugin, consists of three components: first, a prefix, which is not obligatory. This will have been defined in the settings for a particular Akeneo profile, in the XTM project name prefix field, in the Akeneo Profiles section of the Akeneo Administrator panel:

Then, the name of the actual product is added, followed by the name of the Akeneo family that this product is based upon. Example: AKENEO_DBT-1 Bluetooth Headphones_Audio Multimedia Headphones, where:

  • prefix → AKENEO.

  • product name → DBT-1 Bluetooth Headphones.

  • family name → Audio Multimedia Headphones.

This is what it looks like in XTM Cloud:

2024-06-13 16_15_48-Window.png

As for the project description, it consists of the product name. This is what it looks like in XTM Cloud:

2024-06-13 16_25_54-Window.png


The project name for a single content item, in the Add attributes section of the XTM Connect – Akeneo plugin, consists of three components: first, a prefix, which is not obligatory. This will have been defined in the settings for a particular Akeneo profile, in the XTM project name prefix field, in the Akeneo Profiles section of the Akeneo Administrator panel:

Then, the label of the actual attribute is added, followed by the name of the attribute type that this attribute is based upon. Example: AKENEO_Number of drying levels_pim_catalog_simpleselect, where:

  • prefix → AKENEO.

  • attribute label → Number of drying levels.

  • attribute type → pim_catalog_simpleselect.

This is what it looks like in XTM Cloud:

2024-06-13 16_21_23-Window.png

As for the project description, it consists of the attribute. This is what it looks like in XTM Cloud:

2024-06-13 16_26_44-Window.png

Submitting multiple content items


The project name for multiple content items, in the Add products section of the XTM Connect – Akeneo plugin, consists of three components: first, a prefix, which is not obligatory. This will have been defined in the settings for a particular Akeneo profile, in the XTM project name prefix field, in the Akeneo Profiles section of the Akeneo Administrator panel:

Then, the phrase MULTI_PRODUCTS is added, followed by a string of numbers. This string indicates the exact date and time at which the particular project name was formed. Example: AKENEO_MULTI_PRODUCTS_20230914104847, where:

  • prefix → AKENEO.

  • constant phrase → MULTI_PRODUCTS.

  • string of numbers → 20230914104847 (2023-09-14 10:48:47).

This is what it looks like in XTM Cloud:

2024-06-13 16_22_37-Window.png

As for the project description, it consists of product names, separated with a comma. This is what it looks like in XTM Cloud:

2024-06-13 16_28_46-Window.png


The project name for multiple content items, in the Add attributes section of the XTM Connect – Akeneo plugin, consists of three components: first, a prefix, which is not obligatory. This will have been defined in the settings for a particular Akeneo profile, in the XTM project name prefix field, in the Akeneo Profiles section of the Akeneo Administrator panel:

Then, the phrase MULTI_ATTRIBUTES is added, followed by a string of numbers. This string indicates the exact date and time at which the particular project name was formed. Example: AKENEO_MULTI_ATTRIBUTES_20230914111615, where:

  • prefix → AKENEO.

  • constant phrase → MULTI_ATTRIBUTES.

  • string of numbers → 20230914111615 (2023-09-14 11:16:15).

This is what it looks like in XTM Cloud:

2024-06-13 16_24_31-Window.png

As for the project description, it consists of product names, separated with a comma. This is what it looks like in XTM Cloud:

2024-06-13 16_29_49-Window.png


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