Contentful: Naming convention for Contentful projects

Contentful: Naming convention for Contentful projects


In Contentful, there are two ways in which XTM Cloud project names are generated automatically, depending on the number of content items you submit within the framework of one XTM Cloud project.

Submitting a single content item

The project name for a single content item consists of three components: first, a prefix (not obligatory). This will have been defined in the settings for a particular user, in the Users section of the Contentful Administrator panel:

Then, the name of the actual content item is added, followed by the email address of the requester. Example: CONTENTFUL_Content item 1_connectors@xtm-intl.com.

Also, note the name of the actual source file that is sent off to XTM Cloud. This name is visible once you expand the entry view in the XTM Connect plugin. The source file name consists of three parts: the item’s Contentful name, the item’s Contentful ID, XLIFF extension:

By default, the content item’s name is added to the Description field of a particular XTM Cloud project, on the XTM Cloud side. Also, a direct link to the Contentful content item involved is provided for reference.


The Contentful ID of the content item can quickly be identified in the URL, if we enter the item in the CMS.


The Contentful ID of the content item can quickly be identified in the URL, if we enter the item in the CMS.

Submitting multiple content items

The project’s name for multiple content items also consists of three components: first, a prefix (not obligatory). This will have been defined in the settings for a particular user, in the Users section of the Contentful administrator panel:

Then, the phrase multi entries is added, followed by the email address of the requester, for example: CONTENTFUL_multi entries_connectors@xtm-intl.com.

As in the case of submitting a single-item project, note the names of the actual source files that are sent off to XTM Cloud, displayed once you expand the entry view in the XTM Connect plugin. The source file name consists of three parts: the item’s Contentful name, the item’s Contentful ID, XLIFF extension:


As you might have already noticed in the image above, when you submit multiple content items within the framework of one XTM Cloud project, the Translation queue in the XTM Connect plugin does not display your submission as one entry but breaks the entire project down into individual content items, each corresponding to one XTM Cloud job.

In other words, the Translation queue section displays individual XTM Cloud jobs, not whole projects. This is clearer and enables individual translated content items to be returned to Contentful as soon as they are finished in XTM Cloud.

By default, the content item names are added to the Description field of a particular XTM Cloud project, on the XTM Cloud side. Also, a direct link to the first Contentful content item involved is provided for reference.


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