As you may know, apart from a standard Project Manager (PM) role in XTM there are other ones which are available to a user. They are called Limited Project Managers (LPMs), and there are two of them:
PM - projects & customers;
PM - project creator & viewer.
The above-mentioned roles differ from the standard Project Manager role in the sense that, unlike the latter, they do not have full control over almost the whole XTM UI panel since, as their names suggest, each one is pre-configured quite differently and covers different aspects of the overall XTM project management. The next section describes in detail their scope of capacity.
Default configuration of LPM roles
As was mentioned at the beginning, both of those roles are pre-configured a bit differently. Please, see a default configuration for each of them.
PM - projects & customers
Tabs available:
Projects → they can see the project list and read-only project templates list;
Customers → they can see the customer list, edit customer details, create and edit customer PMs, edit inactive customers.
2. Project creation:
General information → they can see project name, customer name, description, reference ID, delivery due date, the Use previous settings checkbox, the Project template drop-down;
Translation → they can see source language, target languages, subject matter, the For translation button, the Filter template drop-down, the Additional files checkbox with reference materials, preview files and segment ID images options for upload, segment filter profile;
Machine translation → they can choose an MT engine (if available);
Tags → they can see TM penalty profiles, the Set tags for radio button, the Set tags for drop-downs.
3. Project Editor:
General → they can see project name, customer name, description, reference ID, payment status, proposal approval status, delivery due date, subject matter, source language, target languages, created by, Project Manager, Additional services, Delivery, Video preview selection;
Metrics → they have full access;
Workflow → they can only see workflow step names and due dates, file name, segment count, weighted word count;
Files → they can only generate and download files;
Estimates → they can only see proposals.
4. They do not have access to Users.
5. They cannot delete, archive, or reanalyze projects.
PM – project creator & viewer
Tabs available:
Projects → they can see the projects list and read-only project templates list.
2. Project creation:
General information → they can see project name, customer name, reference ID, delivery due date, the Use previous settings checkbox, the Project template drop-down);
Translation → they can see source language, target languages, subject matter, the For translation button, the Filter template drop-down, additional files checkbox with reference materials, preview files and segment ID images options for upload, segment filter profile;
Tags → they can see a TM penalty profile, they Set tags for radio button, the Set tags for drop-downs.
3. Project Editor → They can read projects only for specified customers and can see:
General → they see project name, description, reference ID, payment status, proposal approval status, delivery due date, subject matter, source language, target languages, created by, Project Manager, Additional services, Delivery;
Metrics → they have full access;
Workflow → they can only see file name and status (current workflow step);
Files → they can download files but cannot generate them;
4. They do not have access to Customers or Users.
5. They cannot delete, archive, or reanalyze projects.
Custom LPM configuration by XTM Support
The XTM Support is able to customize an LPM user role on the back-end side, which allows for more adjustments to what can and cannot be done by those LPMs. Unfortunately, such a possibility is not yet applied in XTM UI. Therefore, you are kindly asked to raise a proper JSM ticket with such a request.
For example, an LPM user role can be granted access to the Users tab:
Furthermore, an LPM role can be entirely changed into a full-fledged Project Manager role if you like.
There are many access rights configurable on each tab of XTM UI, and the best way to review them would be for you to create a dummy user with this role in the first place, log into XTM as this user and check available tabs/options for yourself. It would also make it easier for you to review and validate changes after they are made by our support team.
A standard Project Manager role is not subject to any customization!