Locale: Configuring the WPML Connector with Locale

Locale: Configuring the WPML Connector with Locale


Experience a paradigm shift in translation efficiency with our Lang Connector and WPML integration, transforming your translation workflows. Lang Connector seamlessly collaborates with WPML, providing a dynamic and flexible environment to automate and enhance your translation and revision processes. Whether you depend on a Translation Management System (TMS), Machine Translation (MT) engine, or dedicated human translators, our solution quickly integrates with your existing translation process, making it more accessible and efficient than ever before. Say goodbye to manual translation tasks and welcome a streamlined, efficient, and productive translation workflow component with our Lang Connector and WPML integration.

What you will need to get started

  1. The Login link for Locale.

    1. A trial account of Locale can also be taken for free by going to locale.to and selecting the “Get Started” button.

  2. Admin access to your WPML /WP instance.

    1. Note: If you do not possess the correct credentials to access this information, please contact your system administrator or your WPML representative. Locale does not have access to this nor do we provide this information.

  3. The Lang Connector Plugin ZIP file.

    1. At the time of publication, November 2023, this is provided to the user by Locale support team, as the Lang Connector app is currently pending review by the WPML application team.

Configuring the WPML Connector with Locale

  1. Start by accessing your WPML instance with the admin credentials, and navigating to the dashboard, similar to below.

Config 001.png
  1. Navigate to the plugin menu on the left side, and select the option to Add a new plugin.

Config 002.png
  1. As the Locale connector is currently not listed on the WPML marketplace, manually install and authorize the Locale Plugin. Simply choose the Upload Plugin option at the top of the page, and insert the WordPress Plugin file provided to you by Locale.

  1. Then select the Install Now button.

  1. Next is a process indicator page which shows the actions being taken on the file. When completed select the Activate Plugin button.

  1. There is now a menu option on the left side labeled Lang Connector. Click this menu option to open the page, and select the Authorize Lang Connector button. This process will establish the connection between the Locale instance, and the WPML instance, via the Lang Connector application that has just been installed.

  1. Once you have authorized the connection, the following screen will appear showing the synchronization between WordPress and Locale. That’s it! Now you are ready to create a project.

Creating a Locale project with the WPML Connector

Once you have followed the steps above to configure the WPML connector, you are ready to create a project. The next steps will appear automatically, after the above WordPress connected screen.

  1. An option to choose a translation source will appear if more than one is configured in your system. Options like DeepL, Phrase, memoQ, etc.

  1. A project will be created in Locale, but no status information will be made available. This is normal at this time, all of our status information will be reflected on the WPML side.

  1. Return to the WPML instance and, from the WPML Dashboard, select the WPML menu option on the left side, and choose Translation Management.

  1. Select the content to be translated using the selection boxes to the left of the content title name. For the translation options, be sure to choose Translate for all languages option, and Add to translation Basket. We’ll be manually assigning the user in the next step.

    1. Note: Only content that can be translated by WPML will be sent for translation, so in our example below, the content selected in a draft status (Privacy Policy - Draft) will not be translated.

  1. Once the content has been added to the translation basket, scroll to the top of the page, and select the Translation Basket tab.

  1. Be sure that the documents selected in section 1 are all ready for translation, skip the information in section 2, and move to section 3. From here, choose the Lang Connector Translator from the drop down menu as the user to perform the translation, and then select Send all items for translation.

  1. WPML will confirm the content being sent for translation, and automatically deliver the content back to your WPML instance when it is ready.

Choosing a translator or translation service

If it is not possible to select Lang Connector as your dedicated translator for your translation needs, it is possible that the translator settings need to be adjusted.

Upon installation of the Lang Connector plugin, all active language pairs in your WordPress instance are assigned as activated language pairs for the Lang Connector user. If language pairs are added to your WordPress instance at some point after the installation of the Lang Connector plugin, simply modify the available language pairs for your translator.

  1. Start by accessing your WordPress dashboard, and going to the WPML settings in the bottom left corner of the Dashboard menu.

  2. Then choose WPML → Translation Management → Translators and using the pencil icon, edit the associated language pairs for your Lang Connector user.

  1. Now the newly added language pair should appear on your translation basket page for your content to be translated.

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