Contentful: How to reimport updated translations into finished XTM Cloud projects

Contentful: How to reimport updated translations into finished XTM Cloud projects


With the Contentful connector, XTM Connect – Contentful, you can update existing translations directly in finished projects in the XTM Cloud UI. In other words, if the content of a single job is updated in XTM Workbench, after that job had already been finished in XTM Cloud and been returned to the Contentful CMS, an updated translation will also be sent to the CMS.

However, this will not work in every case, as there are certain steps that need to be taken, to enable this kind of update to be performed.


  1. The user sends some content to XTM Cloud via XTM Connect – Contentful, creating a translation job in the Translation queue, in XTM Connect – Contentful.

Note that the Translation queue is located in the XTM Connect – Contentful translation plugin, which you can access in two different ways: by means of the XTM Connect application or XTM Connect sidebar panel. To learn more about this, read this article: Contentful: Two ways to access the XTM Connect – Contentful translation plugin.

  1. The XTM Linguist translates the content in XTM Workbench and finishes the job in XTM Cloud (finishing the entire workflow for this particular job).

  2. The translation then needs to be imported back into the CMS manually in XTM Connect – Contentful.

  3. An update from the job reaches the Contentful CMS.

  4. At this point, the Linguist reopens the very same job in XTM Cloud.

  5. The Linguist then updates the translation in XTM Workbench, inside the reopened job, and finishes the file once again in XTM Cloud.

  6. Finally, if the import is set to take place automatically, that should be all that is needed! The updated translation should appear in the Contentful CMS.

  7. If manual import is necessary, the user performs the import by selecting the "three dots" icon on the right-hand side of the relevant job in the Translation queue section and selecting the Import option.



Note that you can perform reimport as long as a particular translation job is displayed in the Translation queue.

Normally, automatic import is constantly active in the background. You usually (only) need to perform a manual import if automatic import is not active or if you want to reimport a specific project separately, before all finished projects are synchronized with Contentful.

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