Sitecore: CMS workflow settings for content that is translated in XTM Cloud

Sitecore: CMS workflow settings for content that is translated in XTM Cloud


XTM Connect – Sitecore offers a extensive workflow state configuration options for content that is translated in XTM Cloud. The main objective of this solution is to give a Sitecore user the ability to select different Sitecore workflows, and assign their particular steps, for multiple content items that are sent to XTM Cloud for translation at the same time.

Workflow settings: description

General information

All the workflow settings content items that are being translated in XTM Cloud are configured in the settings panel for the XTM connector. To display it, select XTM → Settings → Sitecore settings → Workflow settings.

There are two main sections here that are essential for workflow configuration. Each section has three options that you can choose:

  • Workflow for content in translation:

    • Use the workflow state from the workflow marked as “In translation” in the XTM Connector node.

    • Use initial state from existing workflow.

    • Workflow step for content in translation.

  • Workflow for imported translated content:

    • Use the workflow state from the workflow marked as “Imported” in the XTM Connector node.

    • Use initial state from existing workflow.

    • Workflow step for imported translated content.

Workflow for content in translation

The Workflow for content in translation section determines which step from a Sitecore workflow will be assigned to a particular content item when that content item has already been submitted to XTM Cloud for translation.

Use the workflow state from the workflow marked as “In translation” in the XTM Connector node

If you select the Use the workflow state from the workflow marked as “In translation” in the XTM Connector node option, you will be able to specify a particular Sitecore workflow step that is to act as the “In Translation” state, in your Workflows in the Sitecore CMS. In other words, every content item in Sitecore that has that particular Sitecore workflow configured in its settings will move to that workflow step once the item has been sent to XTM Cloud translation.

As an example, here is a content item (Sajzik MainItem) which has Sample Workflow set as its default Sitecore workflow:

To configure a particular workflow step for this Sitecore workflow, which will act as the “In Translation” step, select sitecore → System → WorkflowsSample Workflow → (choose a relevant state) → Content → XTM ConnectorUse as “In Translation” state. Do not forget to save your changes.

To specify that a particular workflow step is to be applied to both the “In Translation” and “Imported” states for the content item, you can enable both options at the same time.


Keep in mind that, in order for the XTM Connector section to be displayed for a particular Sitecore workflow step, the template that this step is based on must inherit from the so-called XtmWorkflowState.

  1. To configure it in the fastest possible way, go to the workflow step in question and click on the Template, in the Quick info section.

  1. Next, select Content → Data.

  2. In the Base template section, expand the XTM folder. You will find the XtmWorkflowState item that needs to be moved to the right-hand side, as shown below:


Keep in mind that, in order for the XTM Connector section to be displayed for a particular Sitecore workflow step, the template that this step is based on must inherit from the so-called XtmWorkflowState.

  1. To configure it in the fastest possible way, go to the workflow step in question and click on the Template, in the Quick info section.

  1. Next, select Content → Data.

  2. In the Base template section, expand the XTM folder. You will find the XtmWorkflowState item that needs to be moved to the right-hand side, as shown below:

As a result, this content item will move to the Draft step in the Sitecore CMS when the item is sent for translation in XTM Cloud.

Use initial state from existing workflow

If you select the Use initial state from existing workflow option, the actual Sitecore workflow step that will act as the “In Translation” state for a content item that is sent off for translation in XTM Cloud will be the one that has been specified in the Initial state field for a Sitecore workflow that this content item adopts. This time, let’s take the XTM Translation workflow as an example. Select sitecore → System → Workflows → XTM Translation → Content → Data → Initial state → (select Workflows → XTM Translation → In Translation). You see (example):

As a result, this content item will adopt the In Translation step in the Sitecore CMS when the item is sent for translation in XTM Cloud.

Workflow step for content in translation

If you select the Workflow step for content in translation option, an additional Workflow step for content in translation section will be displayed in the window. In it, you specify a single Sitecore workflow step that is to act as the “In Translation” state for all content items that will ever be sent to XTM Cloud for translation, no matter what Sitecore workflow they adopt.

For example, although a particular content item adopts Sample Workflow as its default Sitecore workflow, when this item has been submitted to XTM Cloud for translation, it will adopt the In Translation workflow step (from the XTM Translation workflow) as its “In Translation” state if that workflow step has been selected as a workflow step for content that is in translation.

Workflow for imported content

The settings in the Workflow for imported section determine which step from a Sitecore workflow will be assigned to a particular content item when that content item is imported back to the Sitecore CMS from XTM Cloud.

Use the workflow state from the workflow marked as “Imported” in the XTM Connector node

If you select the Use the workflow state from the workflow marked as “Imported” in the XTM Connector node option, you will be able to select a particular Sitecore workflow step that is to act as the “Imported” state, in your Workflows in the Sitecore CMS. In other words, every content item in Sitecore that has that particular Sitecore workflow configured in its settings will move to that workflow step once the item has been imported back to the Sitecore CMS from XTM Cloud.

As an example, here is a content item (Sajzik MainItem) which has Sample Workflow set up as its default Sitecore workflow:

To set up a workflow step for this Sitecore workflow, that will act as the “In Translation” step, select sitecore → System → WorkflowsSample Workflow → (choose a relevant state) → Content → XTM ConnectorUse as “Imported” state. Do not forget to save your changes.

To specify that a particular workflow step is to be applied to both the “In Translation” and “Imported” states for the content item, you can enable both options at the same time.


Keep in mind that, in order for the XTM Connector section to be displayed for a particular Sitecore workflow step, the template that this step is based on must inherit from the so-called XtmWorkflowState.

  1. To configure it in the fastest possible way, go to the workflow step in question and click on the Template, in the Quick info section.

  1. Next, go to Content → Data,

  2. In the Base template section, expand the XTM folder. You will find the XtmWorkflowState item that needs to be moved to the right-hand side, as shown below:


Keep in mind that, in order for the XTM Connector section to be displayed for a particular Sitecore workflow step, the template that this step is based on must inherit from the so-called XtmWorkflowState.

  1. To configure it in the fastest possible way, go to the workflow step in question and click on the Template, in the Quick info section.

  1. Next, go to Content → Data,

  2. In the Base template section, expand the XTM folder. You will find the XtmWorkflowState item that needs to be moved to the right-hand side, as shown below:

As a result, this content item will move to the Awaiting approval step in the Sitecore CMS when the item is imported back to the Sitecore CMS from XTM Cloud.

Use initial state from existing workflow

If you select the Use initial state from existing workflow option, the actual Sitecore workflow step that will act as the “Imported” state for a content item that is imported back to the Sitecore CMS from XTM Cloud will be the one that has been specified in the Initial state field for a Sitecore workflow that this content item adopts. This time, let’s take the XTM Translation workflow as an example. Select sitecore → System → Workflows → XTM Translation → Content → Data → Initial state → (select Workflows → XTM Translation → Translated - Awaiting approval). You see:

As a result, this content item will adopt the Translated - Awaiting approval step in the Sitecore CMS when the item is sent to XTM Cloud for translation.

Workflow step for imported translated content

If you select the Workflow for imported translated content option, an additional Workflow for imported content section will be displayed in the window titled: In it, you specify a single Sitecore workflow step that is to act as the “Imported” state for all content items that will ever be imported back to the Sitecore CMS from XTM Cloud, no matter what Sitecore workflow they adopt.

For example, although a particular content item adopts Sample Workflow as its default Sitecore workflow, when this item has been imported back to the Sitecore CMS from XTM Cloud, it will adopt the Translated - Awaiting approval workflow step (from the XTM Translation workflow) as its “Imported” state if that workflow step has been selected as a workflow step for imported content.


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